Morally Conscious

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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Contacting Roger Tansey

Blog followers will want to keep an eye on postings this weekend for some explosive evidence that I will be giving to Roger Tansey about Illegal warrants being issued over the phone by Tracy Johnson pretending to be law enforcement and illegal wireless communication devices being implemented by some of the officers in the Warm Sands sting operation.  Since I have evidence that can compel these officers to be xrayed for these devices on an illegal warrant issued against me...I think that the Warm Sands' defendants have a new defense that can be used....police might want to take a look at the illegal restraining order complaint that has a warrant issued against me that happened without a single court prove up does this happen?  Whom is the officer that swore before the judge...and why was a complaint filed without a single court hearing on a civil restraining order....arrest me and see what I bring to the courtroom as evidence.  I am waiting to be a martyr for the First Ammendment and the PSPD has Tracy Johnson, Johnathan Mendenhall and Junior Johnson to thank for it.  This is exactly what I have been waiting for....

While researching the cases of the following people: William Whitenack, Travis Larson, Johnathan Mendenhall, Christopher Monti, Anthony Dabiere, Greg Sugg and other victims of electronic harassment I decided to check my own docket.  I had to pay a lot of money and work my ass off to expunge the bogus burglary charge I was faced with because of the bullshit the PSPD put me through...I shouldn't have had to do that in the first place...but then I noticed something I didn't see before...Parents shouldn't be shocked...this is what Tracy Johnson and her friends do all the time in an effort to ambush an electronic harassment vicim...A WARRANT FOR ME WAS ISSUED FOR "DOMESTIC VIOLENCE" BY ONE OF THE OPERATORS OF THIS CRIME?!?!?!?!?!  The stupidity of this complaint and warrant being issued is only matched by ludicrisnous of the allegation...

First of all this would seek to keep me from telling my experience with electronic harassment with a person that these operators themselves told me was involved in the crime AND it is completely issued without any sort of hearing or ANYTHING.  I WAS COMPLETELY UNAWARE....THIS IS THE JOHNSON FAMILY AMBUSH... After what Tracy Johnson just did to Doug Martindale...this is just more witness intimidation....and it was done in a backroom without a single hearing as would be required by law....

This restraining order that I supposedly violated was illegally issued by Lawrence Best when a filing in the federal court had stayed the issue....the court clerk purposefully ignored it an issued the restraining order at a hearing that I shouldn't have had to attend but they said that the plaintiff who "works for the City of La Quinta" allegedly did go to even though she was noticed that the federal court had stayed the hearing...they just did it wasn't accepted by the federal court, BUT the state court had no right to issue the order until they sent it back months later which would have given me the opportunity to be at the they said I violated the order by leaving this person's name on my blog which wasn't part of the order anyway....HUH????

The order said I was to have no contact or try to find this person....AND I HAVEN' never ordered me to remove any name from my blog and besides....this is the name of the person that my harassers have told me innumerous times IS involved with torturing me...First Ammendment says clearly that I have a right to do this.....btw I never threatened this person...they feel threatened because they are associated with these operators that keep telling me she is behind it.

Her attorney relied on a comment that said something like , "now she would be on the chopping block" a commonly used methaphor...not a threat of violence at all. 

This police department should know something...someone made a backhand deal and there wasn't even a hearing to see if I had violated the restraining order, which, btw hasn't kept my harasser Christian Johnson from talking about her all the time like she was in the room with him....whom is being harassed?  ME.

If the PSPD don't do something about this harassment or warrant and arrest me, they can best believe that everything I know about this wireless communication including child pornography, police complaints that were glossed over, my rape, Steven Frey's mortgage fraud, Doug M's arrest, Christophers false police reports and a whole lot more will come to light....I will NOT hold back and look forward to embarassing them with what I know....I can prove their involvement with this crime....and I do not appreciate their lack of concern for MY SAFETY.  I cleaned up my act...this is simply more witness intimidation and parents of this harassment should be furious.