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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Guilty Pleas At Arraignments??? Only at the Larson Justice Center

One glaring mistake or at least a glaring inconsistency at the Larson Justice Center in the cases that I have looked at with regards to electronic harassment is the forcing of a guilty plea down a defendant's throat at the time of arraignment.  I worked in the federal court for years and NEVER would any of the 15 or so judges allow a defendant to plead guilty at their arraignment.  Defendants wanted to do this all the time and the judges DO NOT ALLOW this to happen; mostly because a defendant has the right to be thouroughly informed about their options and the arraignment process is not long enough to do this.

Defendants are often offered a severe guilty plea that allows them to be released from jail that day with a sentence that often times does not fit the crime.  In my case, burglary, I was given probation and a drug diversion class, BUT IT WAS NOT A DRUG RELATED OFFENSE.  Neither was Christopher's battery charge.  So why are defendant that are not charged with a drug related offense given diversion?  Because a phone call is made to either the prosecutor or the judge's chambers and they are told that this defendant is "special" meaning that they are electronically harassed....and that ALWAYS FLAGS THEM AS GAY DRUG DEFENDANTS WHICH MAKES THIS A HATE CRIME!!!  Check it out for yourselves PSPD won't ever see drugs in my system in any of my arrests...but I am given drug diversion for that crime....which was overcharged in the first place.  B & E would have been more correct....but remember I had permission to be on that property AND I had the keys to that residence and even though it looked crazy, drugs were not involved at all....this happens a lot!

Christopher and I have lawyers looking into all of the above mentioned defendants and remember, when we prove that we were used as human recording devices without any type of consent...ANY case that we saw these defendants and were used to gain an arrest can be overturned...I can tell you from my experience that I saw all of the above named individuals at one point or another....I was used and received no benefit at all for my work....

For bringing you this information, I now have a warrant for my arrest for some bs "domestic violence" restraining order violation that I wasn't even made aware does this make the Commissioners look?  If I am arrested how will that make the arresting officers look?  Just one more baseless arrest in an already long string of unsubstantiate arrests without any merit at all!

Officers from the PSPD need to recognize that both Junior, Leah and Tracy have a tendency to call the prosecutors and Commissioners and pretend that they are YOU...this is how they are securing these warrants and baseless sentences...YOU NEED to appear before these people otherwise they will phone in these claims as YOU and bad things happen to innocent victims.