Morally Conscious

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Friday, September 16, 2011

Boyce Avenue and Curtis Peeples: MEMORABLE!!!!

Despite the screaming, yelling, ranting and raving of Christian Johnson and Stephen Johnson Jr. every minute of the day yesterday I still managed to make it to Pasadena, California and to the Music Box in Hollywood last night to check out our #1 choices for our DreamWorks movie project wih Jeffrey Katzenberg.  

First of all the Music Box in Los Angeles is a superior place to see a concert.  It is all in an old movie theatre renevated concer hall that is eerily gothic and cool.

There were three performers...Meghan Nicole, Curtis Peeples and, of course, Boyce Avenue.

I have seen a lot of talented bands over the years...all three performers were fantastic....

I was able to meet and talk with Curtis and told him about our desire to have him and the Boyce Avenue guys work on the HateLisa Soundtrack....He was really excited.

I just wish that Christopher had been with me...he would have loved it!!!
Here is their closing song from last night...."Hear Me Now" which is appropriate because during the entire concert all I could hear was Christian screaming at me and Jr. telling everyone how he was going to rape me again cuz, "that's what I (he) likes!"