Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Is It Making Sense To You? Putting Together The Pieces Of The Puzzle

I've discovered that investigating a crime is a long, tedious, sometimes frustrating and always thoughtful process.  I spend much of my time on this project looking for the logical conclusions that can be made from the fact that are presented.  There are holes that need to be filled, but every time I fill them with another fact, it keeps pointing to the same person, over and over again.  Another piece of the puzzle, another portion of the picture.

I think that the frustrating thing about this whole crime is the impact that the resolution has on my entire outlook on life.  Right now I've lived through the "life is never fair to the honest" portion and I'm smart enough to realize that the truth may not always set you free, but it does serve you better than a lie.  I've been through so much and mostly the worst things have happened that could have, yet I know that I'm good with God and good with myself.  I have few regrets about what I've done in my life and the ones that I do have, I'm certain aren't any different than most peoples.  

Mostly I've been disappointed in my ability to get across to people what this has been like for me and I know someday someone is going to say, "Why didn't you do this?" That thing that they will say will make sense and I'm certain it will be the one thing that I didn't do.  Until then I am exhausting all of the avenues to make certain that my story is alive for everyone to read for as long as they can.  If something "accidental" should befall me, like a shooting or a beating that kills me, I want someone to know that I have only one person that I've ever felt hatred from.  Her name is Laurie.  I'm sure Bryan Anderson can figure it out from there.

I'm amazed at how hard it is to have someone questioned in a crime.  I'm constantly amazed at how easy it was to have me arrested and not have any evidence supporting the arrests.  It's one of the most unique things about Palm Springs that someone can literally make shit up better than the truth can tell the police.  That Christopher could be jailed on a lie from an anonymous phone caller using my pet cat's name, astounds me.  That a person could be living in an apartment that is full of stolen items from another person without being questioned is ridiculous.  Is it so hard to imagine that a woman could be responsible for raping men?  If it is, then we need to show that date rape drugs are far more dangerous than imagined and equalize the chances of a woman raping a man.

When I was raped, I got exposed to Hep C.  The bloodwork shows a spike right during the time of that sexual assault and the time of my smashed skull.  Now I know one thing for sure, I couldn't have given myself Hep C, so the blood on my clothing from my butt, had to contain someone else's DNA.  It is impossible for me to know that one month I test negative, then the rape happens, then I test positive for Hep C and not know someone did it.  I know I DIDN'T HAVE SEX WITH STEVEN FREY, so does he.  The only place that could have come from was blood to blood contact during that sexual assault.  You can't argue with the test results...there is a timeline for that infection and it is clear that it falls during the period of that rape.  My skull was broken from late September to October 31, 2007 and beyond, I certainly wasn't having any kind of sex with a smashed the spike was due to the rape.  This is likely because the rapist did not wear a condom and that would mean that somewhere on the denim jeans is the DNA of the rapist.  There is very little chance that the rapist would use a condom and infect me with the HEP C that shows up after the rape.  To me, that means that somewhere in those bloody clothing, is the DNA of the rapist.

If you shake hands with Laurie, you might want to look to see if you see signs of syphilis.  They aren't always present, but if they are, they will look like this:
On the hands are little blistery sores:
I've heard that a check of her back will look like this if she isn't covering her body with makeup: