So she's back to shoplifting from local businesses to steal makeup and candy!
It has come to my attention again that we are in the middle of a local crime spree out here in Joshua Tree, Ca. Not a surprise when you figure that America's biggest needle-using tweaker is out here trying to use her brain link system to steal money from local residents. The last time she got on this kick I called the local police department, and Lori Jean LaFond filed a restraining order. How do you protect the public from someone with a deadly communicable disease who insists on showing up at local pubs, local stores, and in an apartment complex that she uses to scam money out of potential residents? Lori LaFond is not the manager of that complex.
What I want to know is why is it that Missy Erickson can go to my sister and tell her that Lori LaFond is planning to steal my bank account so she has to remove the money but not tell me, when I'm the person that called the police in 29 Palms to let them know she was here and committing crimes? Doesn't that contradict Lori's bullshit restraining order?
Doesn't that prove that Missy Erickson was in on it the whole time?
Lori claimed that I'd called the City of 29 Palms and threatened her sister, Jackie Palmer, who does not work there, and I don't know. What I did do was call to let them know about Lori's illegal activity with mortgage fraud in the Palm Springs area. Lori was doing nothing more than listening in to a phone call I made to the police from my car, where nobody else was present. I was on my way to work. The message I left had nothing to do with any Jackie Palmer, and until the restraining order was served, I'd never heard of her. It was Lori spying on me that allowed her to know that the call was made.
Now we are in the midst of another Lori Jean LaFond crime spree. She was allegedly kicked out of Walmart in Yucca Valley for stealing shoes to fit her sickened, swollen feet. She was kicked out of Dollar General, where she had to shop because she was broke for shoplifting. She was kicked out of the JT Laundromat for stealing clothing. She was kicked out of the Rocket for stealing. She was kicked out of the JT Saloon for lewd behavior and causing a scene. Why is someone with Lori's problems running around to places where people can be exposed to her tuberculosis? Her bacterial staph lung infections, too? Lori and her friends have become notorious again and they keep hiding out in that druggie apartment complex where there are fugitives, escapees, and others living without a care in the world. Lori apparently hides inside the apartment with fake IDs and pretends to be someone else. She can't be someone else because she has been a fugitive since the age of 18. Name-changing is not allowed when you are a fugitive.
You can see what happens when I try to involve the local police, so maybe someone else that knows the truth can do that? Lori begins using her old and tired connections to the Palm Springs Police Department. Deputy Fiebig from La Quinta, an attorney, M. Katherine Jensen, Esq. that represents city employees from La Quinta and Palm Springs, Ca, and good old Commissioner Best, her "friend at the Larson Justice Center." All are just people that she uses to keep her from being caught. A fugitive from justice is using public officials to stay out of jail. This needs to stop for many reasons, but mostly because of public safety.
Lori lives with her brother, Brian, also a fugitive. No matter what he tells police, she is there in that complex, and people that live there know it. They could hear her screaming all day and night. She tells people that she has Tourette's Syndrome but crystal meth is not TS. TS patients don't scream all day and night, and her profanity-laced attacks go on all day and night. It's dangerous for children there given her charges and guilty plea.
Lori spent all morning trying to convince Jeffrey Katzenberg not to talk to his wife. Is that the kind of conversation a reasonable and rational person makes? I don't think she is supposed to be contacting them, and I know she shouldn't be contacting me. Screaming and yelling at the victims of her past crimes is a threat to witnesses and a danger as well.
In the meantime, she has been taking all the drugs she can and using steroids. She's aggressive as Hell and sounds like she is going to hurt someone or herself while she tries to hurt someone else. She vascillates between childlike behavior and adult druggie madness. She is clearly making herself into something that nobody can be around.
In the meantime, her friends should NOT be feeding her, clothing her, housing her, or doing anything else. It is called harboring a terrorist, and it is highly illegal. It is time to consider her VICTIMS and not her. She's evaded arrest and terrorized many people for decades. At the very least, she should be in jail for her participation in several car accidents she's had while a passenger in Missy Erickson's vehicle, allegedly. It's time for everyone to feel safer and be safer.
From what I have heard, all of Lori's friends are getting banned from local stores for shopping too. They can't go to the stores that she has robbed. This is getting to be a BIG problem in our area. The biological problems are by far the worst. We don't want another Palm Springs in the 1990's happening here.