All posts on this blog should be considered allegations. They represent my experiences and opinions alone. The information contained is for the victims of illegal remote neural monitoring. I seek a peaceful and non-violent solution to this crime. DO NOT commit any illegal acts because of this blog. This is for public safety and for warning about the crime that the police won't. Be SAFE, Be Aware...Law&Order only
Domminick Dunne's Portrayal of Lori LaFond-like Rapist. Look At The Similarities and Ask Yourselves Why Isn't She Incarcerated By Now?
The only rapist that got the approval of the police, that I know of, came from Palm Springs, CA., her name is Lori Jean LaFond.
Whether it was an attempted murder or an intentional infection, Lori LaFond videotaped her beatdowns of gay men like she wanted to create some kind of porn business where real rapes were normalized. There were plenty of children too, but unlike most places where an 8-year-old child tests positive for HIV, nobody in their department started an investigation into who was behind this crime. Why? The police officers were more important than the victims of these deadly attacks.
Take a look at the manhunt of Mr. Andrew Luster, the Max Factor heir that thought he could drug, rape, and videotape the women he brutalized. Why don't people seek out Lori for these same crimes? We sent the police an absolute witness to these tapes and the Chief of Police did nothing about it. He asked me personally to send him someone that knew about them. I did. He ended up jailing this witness.
What this Chief of Police did was choose himself over the safety of the people he swore to protect. It is an absolute crime of indecency.