Morally Conscious

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Friday, January 10, 2025

I'm Going To Have To Pursue Other Avenues While Being Stalked By Two Factions Of Terrorists


I have had to make some changes today that I didn't want to. I don't investigate crime half-assed, and I am not a criminal.  My life and my family's lives depend on being accurate and is the only way I am still alive in a crime where two competing factions have put me in the middle of their poor decision-making and law-breaking.  I once had the perfect team to work with.  They were smart and well-educated in the ways of Lori Jean LaFond and her terrorist friends.  That ended the day Missy Erickson met Jeffrey Katzenberg using Bessie Smith as some kind of doormat in my investigation under the guise of being a "family friend" of ours.  Bessie Smith is no friend of mine or my family.  She is someone my sister used to know in high school and college before she joined Lori LaFond's group of terrorists in Palm Springs, CA.

I made the mistake of allowing someone into my investigation that wasn't trustworthy or honest.  So I have to apologize to my supporters and let them know that this situation is now rectified.  What transpired was that a victim's father decided to work with the criminals instead of the informants.  He obstructed the informants and put their lives in danger all the while pretending that he wasn't going to do that.  It was a lie.  Unlike most fathers, this father was hellbent on destroying my family instead of stopping this crime.  He went against everything I told him not to do and contacted my family members without my permission.  He stole my own finances and committed elderly abuse against my mother.   Thus, this local team of people that I trusted was nothing more than another cell of terrorists trying to help Lori LaFond and Missy Erickson.   So my family is in the middle of two terrorist factions.  The LaFonds and the Katzenbergs.  There is no reason for this to continue.

The investigation into this crime became all about something it wasn't.  Protecting Missy Erickson and her family.  Apparently, although there isn't a sexual relationship between Jeffrey and Missy, there is something.  Their partnership began to focus on terrorizing my family.  This goes against everything I agreed with Benjamin Katzenberg to do.  That relationship has now ended.  Though Benjamin was given ample opportunities to rectify this situation, he didn't.  Fifteen years after the Sedona, Arizona incidents, there was no progress though his own family members were involved.  This is unacceptable.  I will no longer be associated with anyone who can't tell the truth.  I refuse to be made into the bad guy again by the father of my friend who has done nothing short of trying to have me arrested and killed over and over again.  His father put my life in grave danger in Arizona and has ever since while providing my sister with a false narrative of protecting us from Lori LaFond.  Jeffrey has done everything but protect us from this domestic terrorist.  The two combine to be the most threatening duo I've ever encountered.

Whatever the relationship is between Missy Erickson and Jeffrey Katzenberg, it is an illegal one.  Missy sought to destroy my agreement with Benjamin Katzenberg simply because she couldn't afford to be found to have been stalking Benjamin.  She ended up inside his home here in the desert at his father's insistence.  His father then dismantled the relationship brick by brick until there was no more relationship at all.  Then Jeffrey embarked on targeting my sister, mother, father, and family.  To this day he has done nothing but steal and lie to my family members.

I have never and will never pursue any type of relationship with this man or his female companion.   Jeffrey wanted to work with drug dealers and that is who he chose to side with.  I don't work with drug dealers nor do I work with anyone that would lie in a court of law.  Missy Erickson is a thief and a liar.  She told Jonathan Mendenhall that it was Jeffrey Katzenberg who bailed both Brian and Lori LaFond out of jail under false names.  It was Missy Erickson who falsely testified in the courtroom that she was someone else and that the defendants were someone else until it affected their release.  Missy never intended to return the defendants to the courtroom for their hearings, instead, she intended to defraud the court into believing that she was someone else.

It has been suggested that the two names used by Brian LaFond and Lori LaFond in the courtroom were Jonathan Mendenhall and Laura Katzenberg which means that if Missy was telling the truth that Jeffrey bailed out two individuals that he damn well knew were NOT the people that they testified to in court.  This was done two times in Arizona on charges that make me think that I don't want to know Jeffrey or anyone in his family.  Child endangerment and rape are not crimes that I could ever overlook, but Jeffrey did.  Jeffrey also told Jonathan Mendenhall to "lay low" after Sedona, Arizona so that he could embark on destroying my family.  This is a crime.

Jeffrey allegedly then threatened my friends not to talk to me ever again.  Now, fifteen years later, I am removing all responsibility to these people.  They have clearly chosen a path of deception and hiding.  I am not the kind of informant who believes in obstructing justice.  This is what Jeffrey and his wife have done.  They forced Christopher away from me and would not let him talk to me.  He is the other informant in this case.  What he feels and thinks is vital to our understanding of Jeffrey's crimes.

Jeffrey's wife was used to bring both bail sureties to Arizona under the guise of protecting me and my friends on vacation.  They did nothing of the sort.  They put our lives in danger and were likely trying to confront us or worse.  Both Jonathan and Anthony were confronted by Lori LaFond and Missy Erickson in Arizona without my knowledge.  Jeffrey kept that a secret from me.  Then he ordered them to stop being my friends.

Upon our return to California, Jeffrey and Missy then embarked on a campaign to steal my bank account so that I could not hire my own attorney to defend myself.  Lori was stalking me to Arizona under federal law a crime with huge consequences...both Jeffrey, Marilyn, and Benjamin Katzenberg knew this and did nothing.  Denying me my right to hire an attorney only allowed Lori LaFond to do more damage seeking an arrest warrant based on that very restraining order.  In other words, Jeffrey already knew my life was in danger and her pursued the most dangerous path to keep my life in danger.  That is a crime.

I want my money returned to me in whole.  Now.