May 7, 2008, marked a significant day for victims of electronic harassment in Palm Springs, California. It was the day that Lori LaFond tried to set up another confrontation with me right outside of Steven Frey's home. Lori had recently sexually assaulted Christopher Monti from Brooklyn, N.Y., a month or so earlier. He was in PS to look at homes to buy for his family. I was in Steven's driveway and Lori sent Christopher to try to cause a fight. It didn't work. The next day I went with Christopher to the police headquarters to sign up to become police informants. This was a huge turning point for the criminals in our case. It was a calculated maneuver that is now proving to be the end of Lori LaFond's fugitive lifestyle which included intentional infections, espionage, entrapment, and human trafficking. I always knew that there would come a time for this prosecution; that time is now.
Lori has been looked at for stalking many members of the LGBTQ+ community for over 40 plus years. The types of crimes that she has committed would make most other criminals sick. What Lori is suspected of engaging in can simply be described as human trafficking. We are only beginning to understand this crime's depth and size now. It is large, I mean LARGE in its entirety. Billions of dollars lost to identity theft. Hundreds of lives were lost to intentional infections. The toll on our privacy and lost civil rights is going to stand as a beacon to other criminals in this country to stop committing this crime or we will find you.
The best part? We have support from all kinds of places that Lori LaFond never considered. So many victims will be able to tell the world what life was like with Lori LaFond stealing our thoughts and our freedom. She should have been more careful with the people she targeted. As the AIDS virus became more manageable, Lori became less.
Now I am hearing that Lori has skipped out on some requests for a subpoena, along with her friends, so they were too afraid to tell their side of the story. In court, we can't really assume guilt or innocence based on a 5th Amendment privilege, but they didn't go at all. No 5th Amendment, just no show. This was their chance to tell the truth and they blew it. So now it is time for the girls and boys living with Lori to wonder what could have been? They don't know how to do anything. They just hide in fear, as usual.
I can assure you that everyone in that home was subpoenaed but Lori and her brother were not allowing anyone to testify. They should have complied but they didn't. Lori is using the old, "I didn't even live there" excuse that was seen at the LaPalme complex many times by the manager who could never nail her down. Avoiding law enforcement is a full-time job, I will never understand why she keeps bothering me?