I don't want to mislead people. Lori has lost her connections to wireless internet but that does not mean that the main frame brain link computers are not still logged in as a military computer. They are. I can still hear her, of course. What it does mean is that the mainframe computers aren't new enough to log into the chat website that carries the thoughts of the victims to a chat room where Lori can log in and talk to the victims. Lori isn't able to stalk as many people at once, which is a benefit to the massive number of victims that she has created. It's sick to know that this neural network of rape victims even exists. As a former agent for the U.S. Department of Justice, any website that would give complete strangers access to rape victims' thoughts, is sickening.
Rape victims are in a category of people that have been through a traumatic event. For the PSPD's Mitch Spike, who said on television that I had mental issues, without the benefit of any type of psychological exam, I would suggest that every rape victim has some type of PTSD, so his assertion that there was no rape and that I suffered from mental issues is quite offensive to me. I have already been through psychological examinations with the County of Riverside of my own volition. I was hearing voices in my head, that sounds crazy to me. I couldn't be who I am without being honest about what this is like so I got the clearance from a huge panel of psychological professionals that cleared me. Now, Lori, that's a different question.