Morally Conscious

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Sunday, August 22, 2021

I Didn't Know That Crystal Meth Was The Cure For AIDS, Tourette's, Tuberculosis, Goiters, and Mental Illness, Because They Aren't! Lori Stop Lying!!!


Still crazy after all these queers!  Lori has been known since she was a child that when she causes a problem, she has to blame someone else so that she doesn't get into trouble.  For just about as long, she's been getting into trouble for doing just that, lying.

If you have had the misfortune of living near Lori Jean LaFond, then you also realize that her problems extend to you and all of your neighbors.  She's first and foremost, a thief.  If you will recall what I've told you, you know that Lori's worst offense comes from the theft of the very technology that she uses to read minds.  In those days the military was calling it a link system.  A brain link between humans that are implanted and a computer that reads and translates EEG's into thought recognition and translation.  It's a brain computer interface that has hardware installed inside a person's head, close to where a human's EEG's come from.

Isolating the functions of the brain has been going on since the 1930's and scientists know where thoughts come from in terms of the brain.  The transmitter/receivers that the government developed with scientists are used to isolate the thought to speech parts of the brain.  It should be noted that the chip does not interfere with a person's ability to think then say things, but because it is a receiver as well as a transmitter, the thief can speak to a victim, which also is transmitted by the human brain too.  So if Lori is reading your mind and talking to you, she is forcing the victim to hear her conversations as well as the internal conversation going on naturally inside of you.  It's sort of like listening to a phone conversation while you are distracted by your own thoughts.  What I have discovered is that Lori's own talking can be, if you think it, moved over to a section of your brain that knows it is artificial.  That way you can focus on your own thoughts while she is screaming away in the background.  It's really nothing more than a nagging old hag that wants to comment on your every thought.  Like a really bad wife you want to get a divorce from.

Lori simply uses way too much meth, then becomes a very angry person if you refuse to listen to her.  She then starts in by talking about subjects that she has learned piss me off.  For example, Lori likes to talk about child molestation, racial slurs, homophobia, animal husbandry, things that she has stolen from you with sentimental value, and raping or killing family members.  Remember, I already have a family member that she's killed and she has already beaten and infected me so her threats aren't baseless like they are to some.  Here's the thing, if you are a victim, she's already committed this crime against you.  Putting a foreign body inside of yours without your permission or knowledge is a rape.  Period.

Imagine, one of those really obnoxious Karen's that always has to talk to the manager or owner to get her way, but with your life, not just hers.  If she sees me thinking about something that I forgot to do at work, she immediately starts thinking about calling my owners or the manager to complain even though she isn't a customer or even someone that knows me.  She is a universal Karen, someone that simply likes to bitch for the sake of bitching.

Of course, you know Karen's, they get super loud and start screaming and causing a fuss.  Since Lori does all of this from home, you can imagine what that is like for her roommates, neighbors, and the police.  She then proceeds to lie and tell people that she has Tourette's Syndrome, but that's not what she has.  What she actually has is an incredible tolerance for crystal meth and other drugs.  She's a drug addict that likes to complain while she is pretending to be someone else.  If every phone call from the police was coming from the same phone number, then Lori would be though of as the tweeker that she is.  Instead she becomes someone that was "at the scene of the crime she is reporting" instead of that drugged out slammer down the street from the police station.  The reason Lori gets away with everything is because of the terrorist takeover of the Verizon Wireless network with portability capable computers.  She can be whoever she wants over the phone if the number she steals for the call is portable.  The problem is two fold, she is a psychopath on meth, and she has the computers at home that hack the Verizon system.  It doesn't really look like a hack until someone like Anthony's mother complains about her outrageously high phone bill.

Virtually everything that Lori does is a great big fat lie.  She never really tells the police that they are on this system 24/7/365 under some Verizon customer's phone bill.  What she does do is implant these officers while she is wearing a police uniform that she ordered, then tells them it is mandatory even though they sign a contract with the City of Palm Springs that does not allow them to use wireless communications devices at work.  She then tells them that it isn't that but it is a short wave radio, which is complete bullshit.  Besides that, a short wave radio IS A COMMUNICATIONS DEVICE.  They also know that it is two way because she then tells them, if you need to talk to me, just think of my name.  That means one thing to me, THEY ARE ALWAYS ON THIS SYSTEM.  AT HOME, WITH THEIR FAMILIES, ON ASSIGNMENT UNDER COVER, READING A CIVILIAN'S DRIVER'S INFORMATION...ALL KINDS OF PRIVACY BREACHES THAT THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW THEY ARE HANDING AWAY.  It creates a huge privacy violation for the population and especially the LGBTQ community.

Lori started all of this while she was still a child and her father knew she was doing it while he was at work.  He would come home to a fistful of parents or their kids that Lori had verbally or physically assaulted during his work day.  Then they would have to get together with her father, Lori and the family she'd been abusing to have Lori stopped.  It didn't do much good though because Lori can not be told not to do something.  She thinks she is above the communication's laws and the privacy ones too.  She's essentially tapped into a phone service that uses our own personal information for her to steal and use against us.  The police are no exception.  If an officer, let's say, is cheating on his wife (like that never happens), Lori makes a simple mention of it to the cop who is then under her control if he doesn't want his wife to find out.  So people like me are arrested so that Lori won't tell on them.

Literally people have been sent to jail and prison simply because they could identify Lori in person as "Jessica", "Victoria" or "Lisa"; the person that Lori was play acting as when they were forced to meet her.  Her usual approach is to tell the person that she doesn't want them to be my friend any longer followed by a solicitation for sex for drugs.  My friends all turn her down...which isn't a surprise since most of them are gay and have taste.  If Lori doesn't like the way she is rejected, she then calls the police on these people and has them arrested for whatever she can think up.

I was, for example, arrested six times for "drugs" but was never convicted because there were no drugs on me, in me, or in my vehicle, but not before spending anywhere from a night in jail to a week and a half.  This is why I became an informant...I was sick and tired of being accused of something I didn't do and I was tired of the way she treated my friends while hers all got high and robbed us while in jail.

Lori tells the neighbors that she now has that she is working for the local police, but once again, that is a lie.  She's even tried it with the local security for the Tortoise Rock Casino.  The three or four people she implanted lived in her eight house complex then got fired for harassing me over and over again when I went there.  It reminded me of the Palm Springs Police but instead of waiting outside of my home, these security officers simply waited at the door.  It got to be a hassle so I filed a complaint against them.  They no longer work there.  You can imagine that a mind reading crime at a casino could cause huge repercussions for the gambling industry especially at the card tables.

Lori also likes to tell her neighbors that she is the owner of that complex that she lives in.  She's not.  From what I understand it is something of a family complex with investors but her brother in law is one of them.  Lori has nothing to do with it and runs and hides when someone comes looking for her, like the U.S. Marshals from Arizona a while back.  They were here and Lori pretended to be someone else, but rest assured, they will get her eventually for her crimes in Arizona.

She doesn't have Tourette's Syndrome, she screams and swears all day and night because she is a crystal meth addict as well as a testosterone freak, together with GHB.  They've manufactured GHB for many years and when one of their targets gets caught with the drug, Lori has the nerve to call the Commissioner of the arraignment court to have the drug dismissed from the list of scheduled substances that are found at the arrest.  Lori is the person most afraid of being caught with this drug since she is suspected of manufacturing it in March of 2010 in Sedona, Arizona with Missy Erickson and their friends.

So now you know that Lori is a humongous habitual liar.  Virtually every single word out of her mouth is a manipulation for the listener for one Lori reason or another.  She can't have normal conversation without talking about other people's families.  She used to tell people that her brother was a hitman for the Lesbian, I mean Mafia.  I added the lesbian part because that is who he was used as by both Missy and Lori.  They both like to use Brian as some kind of "heavy" that will kill you if you don't comply with what they want.  Period.