Morally Conscious

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Friday, March 12, 2021

Did Barbara, Jeffrey, Jonathan or Anthony Tell You Not To Be My Friend?

 I'm looking into obstruction charges that may or may not have resulted in the death of two persons.  What we need to know is if any of the above people told you not to talk to me or told you not to be my friend.  Any time after 2010 -2021, we are looking for evidence of obstruction that resulted in the death of another person or persons.  It's very important that if you have proof that you keep it and make sure that you don't lose the information.

Any person that assists in the death of another during an investigation by misleading or threatening another person not to speak to an informant is likely guilty of obstruction.  The deaths of Shawn Parrish and Eugene LaFond are but two of the deaths that I am looking into as obstructed.  I could easily have spoken to both before their death but it has come to my attention that Jonathan and Barbara engaged in an obstruction that may have resulted in the unnecessary death of one, the other or both.