Morally Conscious

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Sunday, July 12, 2020

Lori Lafond Can't Deal With Her Problems, So She Lets Everyone Else Do It For Her...Better Not Knock On My Door!!!

It doesn't take long to figure out that you are dealing with an immature narcissist when you meet up with Lori Lafond.  If you can keep her from bringing up "anal sex" or "lesbianism", then you always run the risk of her trying to seduce you on film.  Oh she doesn't tell you that she is filming you, she just wants you on film to see if after you reject her, if you were just joking.  In other words, you can flatly turn her down, like Christopher did, and she still thinks she can look through a video to find a part where Christopher was "turned on" by her.  This is offensive as his friend and boyfriend.  You can't imagine what it is like to have your high school bully flapping her pink pancakes out and making pigs in a blanket with hot dogs a minute later.

It's embarrassing to know that some girl I never knew or spoke to has gone so far as to show her sexual freakishness to Christopher, a priest.  This isn't something that he needed to see, Lori just had to show him.  I am so mad at her for trying that shit with him it makes me want the police to arrest her even more for sexual harassment.  That is a harassment case if I have ever seen one.  Yuck!  I wouldn't have wanted that going on in my apartment either could she?

Here you have little miss police officer trying to convince the person that I love that she works for the police and that she isn't the person that raped him and me.  What a fucking joke.  She was so mad that I took Christopher out of town to a concert that she literally had a sex fantasy about it, Lori wanted to have sex in my friend's home while he was away.  She wanted to have it with my boyfriend!?!?!  Lori is a very sick and twisted individual but I am not surprised by her actions.  She has always wanted what I have when it comes to my sister, my boyfriend, my possessions, my family and anything else that she can get her warty fingers on.  Christopher is not my property, he's a person.  He isn't someone you can show your vagina to and expect him not to be offended.  She would later have her friends at the PSPD arrest him even though she had already revealed herself to him.  There is a videotape of the entire encounter before Sedona, but after we both became informants.

Lori has lived in her fantasy world long enough.  I refuse to participate in anything else that she can construe as sexual or about her.  I have absolutely not one single feeling of sexual attraction to this weirdo.  She runs around like some rabbit in heat and then expects everyone to forget about it.

Right now she has much more pressing health problems than she has problems with me or Christopher.  IF she doesn't get help, she will die of the disease.  It's just like I've said all along.  She is an escaped mental patient with AIDS...someone needs to stop her and put her on medication until she is leveled out.