Morally Conscious

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Sunday, June 14, 2020

I'm Pushing For A Grand Jury Investigation Into The Katzenbergs, The LaFonds, and The Palm Springs Police

So Jeffrey, Lori, Marilyn, Bessie Smith and the rest of Palm Springs remote neural terrorism squad think that they are immune from federal grand jury investigations?  Think again.  Remember 911?  I do.  The indictiments that came from federal court were the results of a federal grand jury investigation...and they found the people responsible...if they didn't die in a plane crash.

For nearly 13 years I've lived a life that nobody would want to live.  I've watched as each member of my family were harassed, defrauded, killed, or lied to.  I've seen police cover up a rape in favor of the terror organization.  I've seen friends jailed without a single bit of evidence.  I've seen members of the gay community stalked, robbed, and summarily arrested for knowing too much about Lori LaFond's organization of criminals that were "taken care of" by police officers that had a relationship with her.  This all began when I was 19 years old and Lori decided that I would become someone she would kill with disease but not before she could stalk me to gather information about my family.  Then she killed a member.  Then she tried to kill be while working for the U.S. Justice Department.  I've even heard that she called my lawyer and the judge that I worked for.  She contacted the Clerk of Court where I worked and told him that she was following me everywhere.  Even he told me that.

In the meantime I became and informant for the police officer that Lori had a four year relationship with.  He was in charge of the investigation into my rape.  He covered up evidence.  He failed to secure a district attorney in the case.  Despite overwhelming evidence that Lori was involved, he decided to cut her loose.  There was tremendous evidence of rape.  Lab reports from both the Riverside Crime Lab and the Desert AIDS project shows that I was infected from the rape.  A threatening postcard was sent to the home I was living in. Bryan, himself, even came to the sober living home on a fraudulent call from Lori LaFond.  The MRI's from the emergency room went largely ignored and showed that my skull was crushed from the violent encounter at my friend's home.  Drug evidence was handed to Bryan Anderson who did nothing for Christopher in terms of investigation of the crime organizations supplier and Lori managed to steal enough money from Jeffrey Katzenberg to supply herself with at least 13 years of drugs that she is still using today to sell and use to find people to try to injure me and my family.

Despite being told that Lori LaFond had filed a fake restraining order for a job she didn't work, Bryan continued to allow me, his informant, to be put in harm's way.  Lori filed the fake application and then stalked me to Arizona where she and her friend were accompanied by Jeffrey's employees.  There were the precursors of drugs, ammunition, zip ties, and other instruments of rape brought to the home that Lori secretly planned an ambush.  Jeffrey did nothing.  Marilyn did nothing.  My life was put in tremendous danger by Jonathan and Anthony who met with Lori and her friends in Sedona, Arizona.  The ambush and conspiracy to commit murder were all done over state lines.  Bryan, once again, did nothing.

Once Jeffrey's employees had shown that they were still involved in the manufacturing of GHB across state lines, he did nothing.  Instead, he allegedly bought them a home to live in so that they could continue to commit terrorist acts against myself, my mother, and my sister.  At one point his employees even returned some stolen items to my father that proved that Lori and her brother had stolen the keys to my Cat City home and other items still in Lori's possession.  Lori used those keys to break into my Cat City home and car before and after the trip.

The entire time, Jeffrey posed as someone that was "here to help Kevin" but the truth was that in the background Jeffrey and his employees were telling Anthony, Jonathan, and Christopher to stop communicating with me, the informant, forever.  They never contacted me again and the robberies continued.  In fact, Jeff, Bessie, Missy, and David all conspired to commit elderly abuse of my mother to attach my sister's name to a bank account with my money in it.  All of the information used to take this account was from this system of remote neural monitoring.  Nobody else had access to that information besides my mother and myself.  This money was earmarked to hire an attorney to look into the misconduct of Bryan Anderson's police department.  Jeffrey stole this money then told my sister and mother to "keep it quiet"; summarily they lied to me about where it went acting as if it never existed.  That's a lie.

To this day Bessie Smith continues to lie to my sister while Jeffrey Katzenberg avoids her when she wanted the money returned, allegedly.  He allegedly told her he would keep this money and at some point in time, I would get it back.  I have never seen one single bit of that money since Bessie handed it to Jeffrey.  Lori continues to say it is hers.  The lie to my sister has something to do with a home for me to live in.  That has never materialized, in fact, anything like that would be a bribe.  We are not friends and he is not someone that I know.  For Jeffrey to go behind my back and talk to my sister in any capacity was strictly forbidden in this investigation.  Instead, he did everything I told him not to.

It has become increasingly clear that Jeffrey and his wife are playing fast and loose with domestic terrorism that has cost the gay community hundreds of lives in Palm Springs, California.  His own son isn't even allowed to tell anyone that he was raped and implanted by Lori LaFond.  This is Jeffrey's iron hand around the throat of the LGBTQ community.  I have no idea why he is so hateful towards me and my family.  We have never met this man outside of my sister, which is unclear when or why it happened.  All I know is that he singled me out to be tortured endlessly by his former employees and Lori Lafond.  This is a dangerous situation that has seen Lori making multiple attempts on my life for which there are several police reports.

Bryan Anderson refuses to provide my family with any kind of protection and continues to allow Lori LaFond to make threats to kill me and my family members, today was the most recent example when she threatened to kill my father.  It has become even more clear that Jeffrey is not doing anything but lying to the families of the friends that I used to employ in this investigation.  His continued threats of someday doing something to stop Lori have run their course.  He is a dangerous man that only watches and sees the turmoil unfold then claims ignorance when the law is broken.  He's dangerous to the community and to the American public.  This crime could and shold have ended in March of 2010, instead we are in the middle of June 2020.

Others have benefitted from this crime as well.  Tracy Johnson is rumored to be working where I once worked at the U.S. Justice Department because she took the job that I reapplied for a the Clerk's office while her brother, Christian, living with Lori made phone calls to the courthouse to ensure that I would not be hired.  Tracy would then be used to gather information for Lori with the people that I used to work for.  This is a terrorist act and it is a plot to keep people that were stalked while I worked there under surveillance for Lori.  It is dangerous to the Clerk's Office and to the judiciary.  Tracy has never done anything to help anyone that was victimized by this crime, instead, she continues to surveil people from the Clerk's office that I once considered friends.  This is no different than any other act of terrorism.  Christian has, on more than one occasion, threatened me and my family, including a trip to my home in the middle of the night.  Tracy refused to identify him.

In the meantime, Mrs. Mendenhall has bribed the families that I tried to protect, allegedly with homes and places to live in California in exchange for silence about this crime.  Her own son is a fugitive from justice and her own family, including Dr. Alicia Elmore and her husband Jason,  providing a scheme that involved a faked death and subsequent memorial.  This is an act that could and should remove their medical licenses permanently.  There is no reason for Mrs. Mendenhall to put my life in harm's way, but she decided to hide evidence of my rape and of the attempts on my life by silencing witnesses to this crime.  She should also be targeted by the federal grand jury as well as Christopher's mother for the obstruction of justice.

I did the job that Marie Monti asked me to and for that, my family and I are paying with our lives.  She has never told the truth and continues to keep silent about the bribes she and her family took to keep quiet.  That is how the Monti Family thanked me for protecting their son.

San Diego County has a huge problem with remote neural monitoring.  The gang-stalking situation there is the worst I've ever encountered.  Now that Barbara and her team of my former friends are there, who knows what will happen to the victims of this crime.  It's interesting to me that Barbara once employed most of these women in her business in Cat City, then she traded up for all of my friends with whom she now lives.  Does anyone find that suspicious, because I do?

Sickening.  I want my attorney to seek a grand jury investigation immediately so that my family can be safe.  She knows first hand the kind of tactics that Lori has used in my own shooting and knows that Lori has also been involved in other crimes.

Jeffrey and Marilyn Katzenberg refuse to come forward and tell the truth about their involvement...a grand jury is the ONLY WAY to force the truth about the Holocaust of Palm Springs' LGBTQ community.  The old boy club at the PSPD thinks they can get away with the extermination of anyone they don't like.  It's a dangerous situation for everyone there.  Fuck the police...they hate fags.

I once hired the Police Complaint Center so that a cop involved in a bad situation could find support and legal help.  I did that for Bryan Anderson.  He decided to hold the thin blue line of gaycism against the LGBTQ community.  He's a bad cop.  He's had a relationship with Lori LaFond and he continues to use her to threaten me and my family.

I know that I am in danger.  If something should happen to me, police, FBI, and the federal government needs to take a strong look at the Monti Family, the Katzenbergs, the Mendenhalls, Bryan Anderson, Christopher Monti, Anthony Dabiere, Jonathan Mendenhall, the Palm Springs Police Department, and especially the Lafond Family from 29 Palms.  This is a lynching out here and Jeffrey is holding the rope.