Morally Conscious

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Saturday, April 4, 2020

If You Are Abused By A Police Officer Protecting A Criminal, What Should You Do?

I can't imagine the vast difference between reasonable people and people that have lost their ability to behave as adults, but I am pretty close to getting the best look at it that I've ever seen.

I would like to start off by apologizing to my deceased brother in law to whom I pledged to find an answer that was truthful instead of the bullshit that Bryan Anderson has purported to my family or should have.  I am so sorry that your life was taken and mine wasn't.  Your daughters miss and love you more than I deserve and more than I've ever seen.  I don't really have an explanation as to why someone would do what they have done to your memory in favor of some two bit sleazeball like Lori LaFond.  As incredible as it may seem, I find his actions to be the most sinister and hateful that I've researched, just shy of planting evidence.  Actually, he didn't plant evidence he destroyed it in favor of Lori.  His department remains the most hateful in the United States towards gay men and their families.  Once again I apologize to my brother in law and his family that trust Bryan Anderson and probably should be warned against his actions in the future.  He's not trustworthy, he's a criminal.

He once characterized his relationship with Lori as "a friend" with whom he "smoked pot".  Now I look at him as probably the biggest hypocrite of all time.  My first piece of advice, NEVER BECOME AN INFORMANT FOR THE PALM SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT.  What will probably be one of the strongest ideas that I've ever had, would not work well for any of you.  It only works once and you have to be prepared.  I would like to add that for every single time that I spoke with Bryan and he scolded me like some kind of adolescent imbecile, I hold my head higher and walk with more purpose.  I know that I have more experience and integrity in my dick than he has in his entire career.  There isn't anyone in this universe that I've seen that deserves less respect and less honor than Bryan.  He is, in short, the tiniest man I've ever heard of.  It's no wonder he found himself in the positions he did over the years...he's the epitome of a cop that thinks his shit doesn't stink.  Not a caring public servant, but a monster's ex boyfriend.

He couldn't have been less effective.  He simply allowed the tremendous flow of crystal methamphetamine into the Palm Springs area when he was handed information that could easily have stopped it.  Instead he opted to allow the drug into the community without question into his ex-girfriend's hands.   We wonder why he couldn't find the only female drug dealer in the almost exclusively gay male environment, I guess when you are fucking someone, you overlook more than you should.  Er, used to fuck her, I mean.

This is the same cop that once asked Christopher and me, "Which one of you is the woman?"  In the middle of a sting operation that he set up, he literally said this to me and Christopher.  Does that surprise you?  It did me.  I guess I should have asked him and his wife the same question.  At any rate, I also wanted to point out that the next day, I called him in a panic because Christopher was missing...remember, my skull was already busted and rape had already been reported so I'm kind of nervous about Christopher since Bryan balked at the sting for no apparent reason.  I never entered Steven's property and Christopher likely did his job, but Bryan, nope, folded like a bad poker hand.

This would be a pattern of behavior that I've seen from police officer to police chief.  This town isn't safe for anyone that is homosexual or LGBTQ.  What's worse, he and his co-hort Jeffrey Katzenberg, conspired to commit an obstruction of justice with the parents of the victims.  Exploitation of a victim's family is on the same level as child rape as far as I'm concerned.   The problem that I have now is that the parents, in turn, then exploited me and my family.  So this is a complete obstruction case including the families of my friends.  It's a sham.  The same parents that would shout, "But my kid was put in jail for a year and a half for nothing" are the same ones that obstructed justice when letters came in the mail from them that could have stopped Lori in her tracks.  Not one single one of them did anything that a reasonable person would do...not one.

I guess being shot at, raped, beaten, and ignored is another aspect of this crime that doesn't mean anything.

Friendships don't either.

I took being a police informant seriously, unlike most of the others.  I knew that people's lives were at stake.  I knew that people had lost their lives and that young children were being infected with the AIDS virus on videos that would make most of you puke your guts out.  I can't unsee what I've seen and I can't ignore it for a big home, money, protection, or simple selfishness.  I can't.  I've lived this life for over 40 years now, and what I can tell you is that trust isn't something you can have in anyone.  Parents of victims and victims alike are all suspect to bribery, obstruction, corruption and aiding and abetting.  Who would help such a worthless killer of human beings.  Do yourself a favor and find out.  I know who I can and can not trust.  The list is alot shorter today than it was yesterday.   I'm still fighting for the kids that these adults forgot.

As for this particular police officer...what can I say?  He promised to look out for my brother in law's kids once he was killed and he lied.  What he puts forth is an act.  I've never really belived in one man's ability to hurt so many people secretly.  In most cases someone always comes forward.  In the case of Steven Frey, I've been told that he named Lori and Brian as the probable rapists that entered his home on several occasions and raped us both on film.  I think that he did something under the color of the law and when he found out who was really responsible for the rape, he caved.  I want to remind all of you that it was Bryan, himself, that told me to report the rape again after going to the hospital and doing it there.  From that very moment on I was arrested and rearrested so many times I'm not sure if it was six or seven...all with negative results and no convictions.

What I've learned from this experience is that nobody cares about these kids.  Forget what happened to me, what about them?  The violence and hate on these films is sickening.  The very words that are spoken from Lori's mouth would make even the most experienced prosecutor cringe and hold their own children tightly.  That Anthony Dabiere gave up on them is a surprise.  That's not journalism, it's selfishness.  I've noticed that many of my friends took bribes for their silence.  Mrs. Mendenhall was the worst offender from what I've heard.  Why would anyone report a crime of child abuse in Arizona, know that the suspects jumped bail and returned, and think that these kids weren't in danger?  Someone like Jonathan knows far better than that, yet his parents, without any action at all, ignored the problem and let everyone else suffer for ten years...TEN YEARS?  Yes, unfortunately they did nothing, and his father is a pastor.  Is that what God would do?

If you are unfortunate enough to be raped by Lori, you need to insist on speaking to a district attorney right away.  It is your right.  I was denied this access for almost three years for one very bad reason, the district attorney would have seen the crime lab report and my broken skull and got a warrant for the DNA that was present.  What Chief Dominguez, Chief Reyes, Sgt. Anderson and the rest of those jokers did was to keep this case out of the hands of prosecutors, which is police misconduct of the highest order.  The decision was made by all three of these people that head their departments.  Detective Browning went so far as to tell me that without DNA present, my case would "never see a district attorney", as if rape cases depend on DNA only.  This bufoon was brand new to this detective unit and I've been told it was his first case.  In that regard wouldn't you, Bryan Anderson, have overseen this?  I can tell now why he doesn't do his job, it's because he did the drug dealer that is the rapist.

I'm not in any mood to talk about my friends right now, but I can tell you that I don't trust Christopher, Jonathan, or Anthony.  Their lives are much different than yours.  They don't care what you go through, they want to be left alone.  I'm really not surprised by their lack of action, they are living in homes that nobody could afford, and getting paid for it.  A bribe of this magnitue is very telling.  It says, the crime is so heinous and your truth so important that you need something to shut you up.  Thanks to the amazing efforts to hurt these kids, I can tell you that there isn't anyone that thinks it is more bullshit than I do.  They left me here to die.  So I understand what you feel like.

So my best suggestion if you are abused by Lori or Bryan or any number of the PSPD gestapo, see a district attorney, do not ever speak to Jeffrey Katzenberg, and make sure that you get the love and support of friends and family that know you.  You can't trust anyone...but yourself.