When she squats her fat ass down, push the bitch over....that fat ass will roll down hill for miles, peeing all over herself. Look folks, I am under no illusion that this whole thing with Jeff, Missy and Laurie is three psychopaths playing with each other, but I have no time for this. They want to ruin each other, fine. I don't need to have some freak millionaire and two weird lesbians following me around getting their jollies. I'm not into you Jeff, I'm gay, I'm not into old baldy closet cases. I'm not into man hating lesbians with an anal complex for each other. I'm not into thug bitch wannabe drug dealers...I'm past all this stuff. I know you are all attracted to me, but I'm just not into you.
Go away, leave me alone. Stay away from me. Keep your filthy money away from me Jeffrey. I think you are the world's most hypocritical man. You are not a humanitarian. You are a world class fuck head.