Feeling gravity's pull, are you, Laurie? It's called the Coriolis Effect...not the Cornholious effect as Laurie would call it after removing an Oscar Meyer product post her introduction to my boyfriend, Christopher Monti and receiving a rejection. It's that swirling motion that goes down the drain when you unplug a sink or a bathtub that looks like a cyclone. It's the feeling that Laurie gets whenever she tries so hard to ruin something that I have in my life and people start getting involved with stopping her. She just finds out that the hole in her life gets bigger and her bath tub drains twice as fast. She can't seem to plug her hole up fast enough to save the water. (All the innuendo intended by the way for our adult readers!)
Today is not about plugging Laurie's hole though, it's about unplugging it and letting it drain. All the way to the empty tub. Until there is absolutely nothing left. No drugs, no money, no home, no friends, no needles, no family to turn to, nothing. Today is about taking away her power...and I mean her electricity. She isn't really paying for it with her own money anyway. In essence she's stealing the money that she is using to pay for it probably using someone else's account or credit on the account. How could it be legal living in a home using someone else's name on the account? It isn't. So calling attention to it isn't illegal. It's not that I don't want Laurie and Brian to not have electricity, I want for them to pay for it honestly. Just like everyone else. If they are going to be tattling on everyone, let's all be living under the same kinds of circumstances. You be honest and I'll be honest. If I have to live perfect, then so do you.
"I'm special," Laurie just said. Um, no, Laurie, you aren't "special", you are "special needs" and thereby you need to be under surveillance by a health care professional with lots of people keeping an eye on you.
Laurie is still trying to threaten people when she can't even provide for herself. Trying to give the impossible illusion that she is in control of something when she's not even in control of her own drug habit. It would appear that the less control she has, the more she wants to give the appearance that she has it. I think that the smartest approach is to take away even more at this point. That would mean electricity is next. Then the car. No electricity means no computer. No car means no mobility. She's already without a phone and communication is key to lying her way out of her circumstances and providing her alibis. Controlling her environment is the only way for a sociopath to survive. Laurie believes in survival of the fittest, making her the most unfit would seem to be the most assured path. It thereby necessitates the action of taking away more. Let the punishments begin.
If the people around her can't control her actions, then they all have to suffer the circumstances that she creates. Once the electricity goes off, the last surviving computer shuts down and Brian will lose his edge. No phones, no computers. The children will be without their main sources of terror. Laurie has to learn a valuable lesson about her actions causing consequences. When the consequences are severe enough, Laurie will either stop or someone will stop her. Laurie has an impulse control problem, the impulse will stop only when the consequence is greater than the impulse. When the shock from the electric plug is stronger than her desire to stick the paper clip in the socket, she will stop. This is Laurie's biggest problem. She never knows when to stop because the consequence is never severe enough. It has to be severe and it has to last. Once she has a severe enough consequence and it falls on her, she will learn, for the first time, that she can be held responsible for her actions. The baby will have grown up whether she learns from it or not, she will be held responsible.
Sociopaths, in the classic sense, like Laurie, will always explain it away. Regardless, if held responsible, she will suffer the consequence and law enforcement must be prepared for her inevitable recourse and revenge. She is always looking to retaliate, so her methods of retaliation must also be cut off. Transportation and access to guns and ammunition and victims must also be cut off. Laurie must not be allowed access to her family or mine. She must suffer these consequences on her own. Once she realizes that there is nobody to punish for her fate but herself, she will mull it over again and again, but there will be nobody she can hurt. How she deals with it is up to her. Learning how to deal with it, on her own, is anyone's guess.
Safety first team....be prepared Benjamin. Have a plan in place and take away what is necessary to punish legally what she has done. There are many people whom are depending on the consequences for her actions. This must be done. Laurie is being very destructive right now. As things worsen, she will strike out rather than deal with her own problems. Giving her more to handle is a good idea. Pile it on. Keep on going. Have Kenneth do his job preparing safety for those of us she targets. Be ready on a moment's notice. I'm serious about that. She can freak out in a second, you have to be on your guard. She's too close. Jeffrey's security should be here and available. Ready at the drop of a hat. This is a very sick woman.
Laurie's mother, family, my family and I are easy targets right now...be prepared, but go forward legally. Be ready but go forward.