Morally Conscious

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Saturday, February 11, 2017

Dead Or Alive: Have You Ever Played The Game?

If I only had a dollar for every time Laurie spread the rumor that someone was dead when they were still alive and breathing.  For instance Rafe, Ken Frank's boyfriend, has had more "massive coronaries", than a cardiac arrest unit because he doesn't like Laurie.  I'm sure that there are many other boyfriends of people that don't like her either that are "walking dead".  I've always been fascinated by the people that Laurie considers, "dead to her" and what that really means.

I think it is odd that people would pretend to be dead for Laurie, though I've heard of many that she has approached to do this.  There is the "Underwood Devil" whom supposedly went back to Mississippi and died there.  Not true.  Then there is the curious case of Patrick Sturgeon, dead or alive?  Who knows.  I've heard dead and alive.  Nobody seems to know for sure.  Then there are people that aren't dead that hide from Laurie and don't confirm that they are alive.  Why, I don't know?

Here's the thing.  If you aren't dead, don't pretend to be dead.  If someone has made it look like you died, don't fall for it.  There is a felony charge that goes with this conspiracy.  If you know that someone has done this to you and you don't call it to the attention of the FBI or the police in the areas where this has happened and told them whom has done this to you, then you are involved in the conspiracy to commit a fraudulent death and you can be charged.  Many times people pretend to be dead for a fresh start because they have legal reasons like financial difficulties or criminal difficulties.  Anyone that would advise you that this is a way to wipe the slate clean is an idiot.  There is no good reason to play dead.  The implications are enormous, not to mention the toll it takes on your family and friends.  I, for example, have suffered immensely at the loss of friends that are now dead that would have been extremely important in this investigation but are now deceased.  Now there is no way to preserve their testimony and they are gone forever.

With their testimony, Laurie could have been locked away seven full years ago and many people would still be alive or better off than they are now.  Instead, we are all still suffering because there is no way to preserve that testimony from the grave.  I wish I was able to talk with my friends again and let them know that they could have helped so many more people before they died, they would have been very willing to help.  Shawn, Jonathan and Patrick all knew who Laurie was and all had dealings with her.  Now they are all gone and there is no way for them to testify against her.  We are all left wondering what they could have provided our community with to rid ourselves of the evil Lisa.

Rather than listening to this endless "no plan" plan of an idiot producer that never seems to understand that time is of the essence, it would have been so much better for these men to have simply told someone about Laurie to help the rest of us.  "Don't say anything" has cost us the lives of other people...some people can afford to sit around all day and do nothing about the problem, but the rest of us have spent our entire lives being victimized by Laurie and her brother.  We'd like to have just one day without her in our life.  Maybe he doesn't understand what that is like, but we do.  Wait until I am ready has been his mantra, but he hasn't been ready in nine full years and he isn't about to be ready any time soon.  It's time to do something before the next witnesses die off according to Laurie's plan.  Do something positive before Laurie kills all of us.