Morally Conscious

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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Google, Geffen, Spielberg and Me: I Think I Like The Sound of That Much Better

Mr. Geffen and Mr. Spielberg,

I would like to invite you to a meeting.  Benjamin, Christopher, Jonathan and Martin know my idea for Google and I wanted to see if you two gentlemen would like to be involved before Jeffrey tries to lemon that one out too.  It's worth your time and effort and I'd like to ensure that the LGBTQ community does not miss out on this idea of MINE.  This is something of a good faith effort on my part to keep something in our family that I came up with for both movie and music sales.

Once again, I do not want Jeffrey or Marilyn Katzenberg to benefit from one single penny of this venture.  We've talked with the Google people before on this idea and billions of people can receive information on our product in one day with the smallest amount of cost.  Both the music and movie industries will benefit, but more important the LGBTQ community will benefit in a huge way from what we will do with our end of the proceeds.  Guaranteed.  I won't have any more discussions about this with Jeffrey, he has no good faith.

This is for all of us and now it is time for the two of you to be involved.

For you and for your faith in us...Google is on the table for Geffen and Spielberg.