Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Stuff Some Turkey In Her Mouth!!!

Woke up to Laurie's Trash Talkin' again!
You would think that she would learn by now that when she starts this kind of thing with me that is always ends up turning out to be something far less than what she had anticipated.   Today she is passive aggressively taking aim at Jeffrey Katzenberg again hoping to ruin his Thanksgiving and trying to force Missy to talk to her.  Laurie has become rather predictable with her approach.  She likes to perform her "boss of the whole wide world" routine where she thinks she is going to start tattling on me to members of my family by sending them text messages about me pretending to be other members of my family.  It's not something that Laurie is very good at.

Laurie has this twisted idea that she is some kind of "family member" of mine.  I can understand the jealousy.  She's got no family that loves her and my family is totally cool.  We like to spend part of the day together and we all laugh.  There are kids and babies, Laurie hates that.  There's lots of food, Laurie doesn't have any.  There's pictures, Laurie wants them.  There's fun and Laurie doesn't get to have any.  The only problem is that one home is where it all happens so Laurie tries to spend all day convincing her brother to go out and rob the other homes where my family lives.  It's a tradition with Laurie and Brian that's over thirty years old.  My family is on to them.

After we eat, I usually excuse myself early to come back to my home to keep Laurie away from my home.  It's holiday protection.  If you don't come home early, it gives her too much time to break in, start a fire, rob you or poison your food...or steal your pet/poison your dog.  All of these have happened in the past.  These are what she calls, "the classics".  Not this Thanksgiving.

Not this time Laurie!!!