Morally Conscious

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Friday, August 7, 2015

Bullying Someone That Doesn't Exist Anymore: 13 Year Old Me

Although she thinks she's reliving her high school fantasies of bullying me, Laurie has spend all night long tonight trying to conjure up dreams that she thinks will make me feel the way I did in high school; it isn't working.  If anyone on my team wants to see what she was like back then, take a look at my transcripts from Christian and Laurie trying to bully me while I was asleep tonight.  It's 5:00am and the second of two nightmares has just ended.  I'm fine, but if you look at what she and Christian have said to me, you can clearly see the girl that I remember, then forgot, from high school.

It's totally violent and sexual for her.  I don't know where she gets these ideas in her head, but I can also tell that they are directed at Leah and Missy: the new targets of her aggressive style of bullying.  None of it is true.  Most of the people that she forces me to think about while I am sleeping, don't know each other.  Most of them knew her in some kind of aggressive dyke bullying thing that she thought she was the ring leader of.  It's really pathetic to see and hear someone that is this completely obsessed with the past.  Most of these people I haven't heard from or about in years.  Most of them aren't like what she is trying to make them sound like either.

Laurie is a sociopath dyke bully with rape fantasies that border violent attacks set up as some kind of ambush.  She's the worst kind of sociopath. the real one!!!  The kind with fantasies about power and killing.  Everyone that reads what she and Christian should remember this when they stand trial.