When it comes to the horrible things that Laurie and Brian can do to a person, I feel highly qualified to talk about it. It's my story and I have the right to tell others about it if I feel like it. Guess what? I feel like it again.
One of the worst things that Laurie and Brian try to do is justify their illegal love/hate for children by trying to call my family into their web of horrid behavior against kids by misinterpreting what my family has done in the past or hasn't. Remember, they have been watching me since I was 19 years old and bullying me since I was 11. I am 47 years old now, so you can imagine how much I can't stand this. My family has never hurt a single child and the implication that we would isn't just ridiculous, it is absurd.
I once got threatened by Laurie that by showing a picture of a breastfeeding child and mom on this blog was, in her opinion, "child pornography". There have been other instances too. Both Laurie and Brian are trying desperately to justify things that both Anthony and I have seen that they were involved with. Neither Brian nor Laurie, no matter what she tells you, have children of their own. When they were sitting around the La Palme Apartment Complex, Laurie would "volunteer" to keep an eye on kids that were latchkey for single parents that would work. In other words, she voluntarily would seek out children that were alone in the daytime, usually at the pool. Brian, lived next to the pool so whenever he saw an under aged boy, his sister would go to the pool and flaunt herself like she was something special.
I've heard that people complained about the way she dressed...who knows if that is true. I do know this, Laurie hates little boys. I was once one of them. She acts completely inappropriate towards them. Sexually, verbally and otherwise. Like most adults that abuse children, Laurie sought these latchkey kids and volunteered to watch them. Then she would force them into situations to spend time with her brother in the apartment next to the pool. This would later become "tea parties" and "birthday parties" thrown by Laurie for her brother. Why would she do this? That's the kind of thing that I'm going to let Jonathan and others explain. One thing is for certain, Brian, her brother, didn't have 15 birthdays a year...so there was something working there. I've heard that there is allegedly pieces of birthday cake with glass shards in it and fruit punch with some kind of pig tranquilizer in it...what was going on here? What kind of a party makes kids sick?
I can tell you, as someone that has been drugged by these two at Steven Frey's home, it is something that the two love to do to their victims. It is usually followed by a sexual attack and if the victims were adults, they went from HIV negative to HIV positive with extra STD's added as the years have gone on. Implantation of the RFID chip to track the victims' thoughts and actions are usually part of this game. The chips are used to read a victims' thoughts and to use voice to skull communication to threaten anyone that would go to the police, not that it would have done them any good.
One such situation arose with Ken Davis and Angel. Knowing that I was a guest in a sober living home where people were living afforded Laurie and Brian to find two more people to blackmail. I want everyone to know that I don't condone sexual relationships between adults and children...it's not something I would ever support. In this situation Angel, was a minor, living with Kendrick, an adult. What that situation entailed I don't know. I do know that I never observed, in person, a physical relationship until I saw something on a computer, which I reported. What I am now finding out is that this situation was forced by Brian and Laurie to occur. Laurie, the tattletale, and Brian, the boy lover, threatened to call the police, which they did do, and sent Bryan Anderson into my home for some kind of domestic disturbance that I was not a part of. Apparently Laurie and Brian wanted Angel to live near them and Kendrick too...remember that postcard with my face being punched out? That was addressed to Ken Davis...I think it was Laurie's way of threatening the two of them. Like, "see what I can do and get away with? You better do as I say".
So what I am thinking is that, once again, Laurie and Brian found a kid that they wanted to play with and used blackmail to draw him near. I clearly recall conversations with Brian, pretending to be Peter DiMartino, acting like he was IN LOOOOOOOOVE with Angel. Not just smitten, but IN LOOOOOOOOOVE. So I knew that once the pair had moved out, they were living in that complex with Laurie. La Palme Apartments...this is exactly where Anthony saw the child porn videos and was asked to market them. He was, in no way, involved in the production of them and knew nothing of them until he was asked to draw up some kind of marketing plan for them. As if there could be a business plan for child pornography. Anthony was sickened...and wanted to go to the police, but was quickly arrested before he could do so...the usual threat that Laurie follows through on when she does something stupid.
When I was asked by Lt. Bryan Reyes to find people that knew of these films and send them to him, I told Anthony about that request and he told me that he'd seen them and was asked to market them. Laurie and Brian like to tell people that I forced Anthony to say something to the police, that is completely false. He volunteered that information to me and I told him to go to Bryan Reyes and report it right away. The police brushed him off...and I was pissed off again. In a situation dealing with films and boys or girls there are a few people that are key to an investigation. The victims, of course. The manufacturers. The parents of the victims. Anyone that has seen the films. Most important to me is someone approached to market these hideous vile movies...Anthony Dabiere. In a criminal case, it is important to show the intent to distribute such filth. Sending the police THE GUY that was approached was golden, but that gold was tarnished by whatever cop didn't do his job. In this case Lt. Reyes.
What I want people to understand is that Laurie continues to try to make a situation out of something that was litigated with my father over thirty years ago. It was the beginning of her bullying of me. It continues to this morning when she tries to call into question anything that I've done, my family has said or done or anything to make herself feel better about this situation. There should be no investigation into my conduct because I have done nothing wrong. Ever. I am certain that Anthony also feels the same way. We did what was required by law to do in a situation where the police aren't doing anything for us. We got jailed for doing the right things...so have others.
I think both Anthony and I were both sick of seeing Jonathan being treated like he was some kind of 15 year old boy. He's about the same age as all of my friends and was treated by Laurie and Brian like he was some kind of man/child that they thought was a little boy. It was awful.
Turning a new generation of boys into electronic harassment puppets for the pleasure of Laurie and Brian makes them Geppettophiles...and it is sick.
One such situation arose with Ken Davis and Angel. Knowing that I was a guest in a sober living home where people were living afforded Laurie and Brian to find two more people to blackmail. I want everyone to know that I don't condone sexual relationships between adults and children...it's not something I would ever support. In this situation Angel, was a minor, living with Kendrick, an adult. What that situation entailed I don't know. I do know that I never observed, in person, a physical relationship until I saw something on a computer, which I reported. What I am now finding out is that this situation was forced by Brian and Laurie to occur. Laurie, the tattletale, and Brian, the boy lover, threatened to call the police, which they did do, and sent Bryan Anderson into my home for some kind of domestic disturbance that I was not a part of. Apparently Laurie and Brian wanted Angel to live near them and Kendrick too...remember that postcard with my face being punched out? That was addressed to Ken Davis...I think it was Laurie's way of threatening the two of them. Like, "see what I can do and get away with? You better do as I say".
So what I am thinking is that, once again, Laurie and Brian found a kid that they wanted to play with and used blackmail to draw him near. I clearly recall conversations with Brian, pretending to be Peter DiMartino, acting like he was IN LOOOOOOOOVE with Angel. Not just smitten, but IN LOOOOOOOOOVE. So I knew that once the pair had moved out, they were living in that complex with Laurie. La Palme Apartments...this is exactly where Anthony saw the child porn videos and was asked to market them. He was, in no way, involved in the production of them and knew nothing of them until he was asked to draw up some kind of marketing plan for them. As if there could be a business plan for child pornography. Anthony was sickened...and wanted to go to the police, but was quickly arrested before he could do so...the usual threat that Laurie follows through on when she does something stupid.
When I was asked by Lt. Bryan Reyes to find people that knew of these films and send them to him, I told Anthony about that request and he told me that he'd seen them and was asked to market them. Laurie and Brian like to tell people that I forced Anthony to say something to the police, that is completely false. He volunteered that information to me and I told him to go to Bryan Reyes and report it right away. The police brushed him off...and I was pissed off again. In a situation dealing with films and boys or girls there are a few people that are key to an investigation. The victims, of course. The manufacturers. The parents of the victims. Anyone that has seen the films. Most important to me is someone approached to market these hideous vile movies...Anthony Dabiere. In a criminal case, it is important to show the intent to distribute such filth. Sending the police THE GUY that was approached was golden, but that gold was tarnished by whatever cop didn't do his job. In this case Lt. Reyes.
What I want people to understand is that Laurie continues to try to make a situation out of something that was litigated with my father over thirty years ago. It was the beginning of her bullying of me. It continues to this morning when she tries to call into question anything that I've done, my family has said or done or anything to make herself feel better about this situation. There should be no investigation into my conduct because I have done nothing wrong. Ever. I am certain that Anthony also feels the same way. We did what was required by law to do in a situation where the police aren't doing anything for us. We got jailed for doing the right things...so have others.
I think both Anthony and I were both sick of seeing Jonathan being treated like he was some kind of 15 year old boy. He's about the same age as all of my friends and was treated by Laurie and Brian like he was some kind of man/child that they thought was a little boy. It was awful.
Turning a new generation of boys into electronic harassment puppets for the pleasure of Laurie and Brian makes them Geppettophiles...and it is sick.