Morally Conscious

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Monday, July 27, 2015

75,000 Hits!!! I Just Wish I Had Someone Around To Celebrate With!!!!

...and so many more on other websites with the news story from KMIR 6!!!

This little blog gets by with no advertising and no does what it does because of the efforts of my team.  I try to keep you all current and it is a lot of work for one guy.  I do this blog by myself without any other fingers touching it.  It is my is my is my contribution to my community.

It's like if you had a seventy fifth anniversary party a thousand times!  It's like counting to seventy five, a thousand times.  It's the amount of people it would take to fill up two pro baseball stadiums!  That's pretty good for a guy that has no apparent friends around and just a cat that loves him.

Christopher and I say thank you to our team and to everyone that comes back to laugh, cry and get angry with Laurie.  She's a horrible person to know.

My blog is created on Blogger, a Google product.  Google also did a story on current television a while back that would seem to support what I am saying here.  Leave it to the guys and gals at Google.  We love you people!!!