A female reader wrote me and thinks that she may have once have a conversation with Laurie, calling herself Jessica. She wanted to let me know that this woman was particularly interested in the taking of a woman's virginity. Whether the woman wanted it or not...in other words, rape and loss of virginity.
These are hymen...gay guys don't have a lot to do with these types of issues, but all women do. My reader wanted to know if there were any victims of this crime out there that have heard Laurie, using V2K to talk to them about "taking their virginity" from them. I know that I've heard that she likes to hear about how "painful" it was to be raped by her brother and her...she's asked me that many times.
I am wondering if there are women out there that have experienced the same thing?
A good question. A virgin that was infected with HIV virus would be a particular victim that we are interested in too...Laurie likes to pretend that she thinks all of the victims are too promiscuous to know if they were infected by her. I know that I was raped because I got HEP C...and I get tested all the time for my blood HIV levels when this showed up.
For example, Laurie likes to tell people that she "took Leah Fauntleroy's virginity in Sedona, Arizona". Leah is supposed to be her friend, but her need to tell people that she did this to Leah while she was knocked out is more important for Laurie for some reason. That's not something a friend would or should do.
Laurie obviously knew that in 1995 that I was living in San Diego and that I was shocked when I saw the movie "KIDS" about a group of sexually active teenagers and the AIDS epidemic. It is a movie about one boy with HIV that seeks out virgins to sleep with. It remains one of the scariest and saddest movies that I've ever seen on the subject. In fact, I've discussed it many times over the years as the movie that I saw that I wasn't sure if I liked it or hated it because of how it made me think. Initially I didn't like the film because of the HIV and virgin hunting storyline...but a movie is supposed to make you think...and in that regard it remains one of the best movies I've seen as it provoked me to think that there could actually be someone out there that would literally seek out innocent women to have sex with disregarding their HIV status. It isn't a pleasant movie to watch, but it could have served as an inspiration, of sorts, for a sociopath like Laurie whom had allegedly infected me in 1987 and many others since.
This movie made me afraid of people like Laurie whom heard of it and didn't understand the implications of what the story was. Someone like Laurie heard it was about "Kids and AIDS" and must have thought it to be some kind of kiddie porn...not so. It is a disturbing tale of unsafe sex during the height of the AIDS crisis!!!