Have you ever really taken a look at Laurie's arm...? You can't really because even in the summertime she's wearing long sleeves. If you can get past the makeup she puts on all of her "marks and abrasions" then you can see past the lies like the rest of us do. Here are some tell tale signs of needle work and meth use. Near hits and misses from shots that didn't hit the vein or ones that did and collapsed a vein.
We all know, if we've used meth, that needle users are the most obvious of all. They are the sloppiest, messiest and most addicted of all. They'd do anything to find another needle...and I mean anything!
So when everyone is finally able to take a look at the tracks of her tears, make sure that you roll up her sleeves too. Wipe off the makeup and take a good look at what thirty years of drug addiction looks like...you'll see it in the teeth too...