I am a patriot. An American citizen that knows something and I have to tell you. I know some of you won't believe me, but there are some of you that know that this is absolutely the truth, so today I am talking to those of you that know and am asking those of you that don't to think about the possibilities. President Obama, I am trying my best to make you think...please understand I am concerned for my friends and their safety in San Diego and all over the country.
As "mind crimes" and "civil rights" co-mingle in the federal courts, an issue that Supreme Court Justices have already been questioned about, how can we ensure the safety of the federal Justice Department from domestic terrorists that have already made their appearance in the Southern District of California while I was working there?
Let me first start off by telling you a story about one trip I had to Los Angeles, that Laurie and Brian billed as a "Pay Per View" stalking of myself.
Just before I became a Confidential Informant for the PSPD on the 2nd -4th of 2008 of March, I experienced something that I haven't talked much about but think will related just fine to our current situation with gang stalking and electronic harassment of victims from Palm Springs. Junior and Laurie liked to call it a "Pay Per View" event, but the events were as real as rain.
Steven Frey and I will tell you that when you are electronically harassed it doesn't stop at the city limits of Palm Springs, California. In fact, I made several trips to Los Angeles where I was monitored and stalked; one with Steven Frey with me to set up a drug buy. The entire time that I was there I was harassed by Brian and his sister. The long range of remote neural monitoring is satellite driven and the terrorists live all over the country. Knowing that I was going to make these trips, Laurie outsourced her information gathering to the folks in Los Angeles to stalk me in the Hancock Park area of Los Angeles. It was every bit the same as what you experience in Palm Springs, but this event happened just before my final arrest just before meeting Christopher Monti and my 40th birthday.
It is no secret that I dislike Gerre Ring and just before I was arrested for the final time by the PSPD, I was staying in his home. I had some meth with me and won $400 at the casino in Palm Springs. I met someone named "Mustang" on Adam4adam.com and he invited me to Los Angeles to meet him. I was happy to get out of Gerre's home and decided to drive to Los Angeles. As I drove out of town, Laurie was furious that I was leaving. She harassed me the entire time vowing that my continued harassment this particular weekend would be a "Pay Per View" event for the Angelinos.
By the time I got to Los Angeles and met up with my friend and got my own hotel room, the gang stalkers were everywhere. I'd blown a tire on the way there and needed to buy a new one...this took a lot of the money I had...and the stalking was horrible. The "Pay Per View" event was in full swing with gang stalkers everywhere. I became stranded in Los Angeles having paid for my new tire and no gas to get home...essentially I was homeless on the streets of Los Angeles for two full nights. I have some friends there but I was in a part of town where it would be difficult to get to them. I slept in my car two nights while the streams of cars followed me everywhere. I slept in my car in the parking lot and on the street one night where Laurie said to me, "everyone has to spend a night outside for me".
Brian kept referring to me as a "lost puppy" saying things like "Puppy, puppy, I want a puppy, can I have a puppy Laurie?" and shit like that. The stalking was horrendous. Eventually I made it over to my friend Shawn's place and he lent me $20 to get gas and get out of town. I was so fortunate to escape...and Laurie's rage was tremendous. As soon as I returned to Gerre Rings' home, he had some guy named Jeff steal all the meth I had, my belongings and threw me out of the house after throwing a punch at me for no reason. Mark Finley was there and protected me...he saw the whole thing.
The next day Laurie had Tom Crochiere arrest me outside of that home waiting for Gerre to return my belongings to me...I was under arrest before that happened. What did they arrest me for? Drugs. At that point I had nothing in me or on me...and all they could say was that I'd missed a Prop 36 class that very day and that violated my probation. No warrant in the computer. No order from the court. Nothing. I was drug tested...nothing. This was the point where they put a spit hood on my face and transported me to Indio for the very last time...on my 40th birthday. Laurie had, once again succeeded, in stealing my belongings and throwing me in jail...for nothing. Remember folks I was in this drug diversion class for a "burglary" charge that had nothing to do with drugs or burglary...an arrest made by Rae Fernandez.
My point...this crime is a joke to Laurie and Brian. They use terrorism to make money and that it is just as bad in Los Angeles as it is in Palm Springs. So if police officers at the PSPD don't think that they are monitored by private citizen terrorists there contacted by Laurie, they are horribly mistaken. Now YOU are the victim of the crime...and the Angelino crowd has a huge interest in seeing what you are doing in the federal courtroom knowing that YOU are "one of Lauries". Scary huh Rae?
Now Laurie and Brian will think about reassuring these cops that they would "never do this to an officer of the PSPD"...um...Rae...I will spare you and your husband the details of your honeymoon sex...if you think I am kidding, you can ask Jonathan Mendenhall sometime just how "off switch" Laurie is when it comes to you or Sgt. Anderson. She will no sooner stop monitoring you in a federal court case than she would a lesbian orgy at the Nabisco Dinah Shore golf tournament. Do girls do that? Well, you get the point. Your testimony and private attorney conversations aren't private...Laurie sees everything, because you let her...whatever your agreement is with her...she doesn't abide by it. Especially now...
So then I want to tell you more of my concerns.
Domestic terrorism isn't just about innocent gay rape victims when you get to Los Angeles, it's about protecting their system of torture and Rae Fernandez poses a threat to their system. It isn't government sanctioned, it isn't a federal policy, it isn't run by a government agency...it is, in our case, run by a drug dealing rapist..allegedly that has implanted cops and hundreds of gay men and women in Palm Springs. Incidentally, Laurie and Brian, have the absolute worst reputation in the universe with the other operators of this system because they stalked me in San Diego like this and because of the HIV spreading that is part of the Palm Springs' case.
Knowing that Rae and others at that police department voluntarily participated in this system, whether they were lied to or not, makes her a knowing and willing participant. She knows that her conversations are monitored and transcribed on stolen computers through the Verizon system that is illegally accessed and it puts her and the superior officers of that department in a predicament that they haven't thought of. How can we knowingly put an officer of this system inside of a federal courtroom in Los Angeles that isn't disclosing that she is like this to the officers of that court or how can she truthfully testify if she knows that her testimony could be influenced by Laurie whom is watching her every move. Then there are the Angelinos whom also are very interested in Rae's testimony...what will she or won't she say? What happens when my former cop and team member testifies that she knows all about what this system can be like because of his limited participation in this crime? I have a former cop on my team...that is true.
How far would the Angelinos go to protect this system? Is Rae in danger? Are the judge or jurors targets for these criminals. Can their be fairness to the plaintiffs in the case or are they in danger too because of our police department? These are all questions that should be posed to lawyers whom know better than to allow this system to appear in court without it being exposed. I, for one, lean toward total honesty and disclosure and have for many years. I won't taint my testimony by lying...no way. I've stuck my neck out so far because I know where the federal government is going with this crime, but Rae doesn't. She should now. This crime is anti-American. It's use is considered terrorist...and it will be adjudicated by a federal court whose Supreme Court justices are already well aware of the ramifications.
Civil Rights and Hate Crimes are handled by the federal court for a reason...especially out of the Riverside County area....the court here is biased. They show this all the time with the victims of this crime. "A Steven Frey thing" is a cliche that can be readily seen in the Dabiere Docket where Anthony's case is intentionally flagged by Comm. Best's courtroom for prejudicial behavior. Look at my burglary case where I was given the usual "Steven Frey" treatment. It had nothing to do with drugs but I was assumed a drug defendant and given a drug sentence. This is because Laurie and Rae have played, allegedly, fast and loose with the legal system in their unfair treatment of gay men that are implanted and arrested by the PSPD. We get fucked in Indio. That's just the fact.
Christopher Monti was also fucked by this department in the same regard. His charge of "strong arm robbery" is like a 15 year mandatory sentence in federal court...or longer...because it is wrongly charged. He was simply railroaded by the Commissioner into taking this plea in fear of a heavier sentence if he didn't. This happens all the time to T.I.'s in Palm Springs. The actuality was that there was no credible witness to this "crime" and if challenged, he would never have gone to jail. He, however, is an informant that pissed Laurie off...so he went to jail on a 911 call from a remote location that absolutely did not follow the evidence. The cop that arrested him did no follow up investigation. Locked him away in Banning...and the rest is a civil rights case waiting to be handled again in the federal court in Los Angeles. Same thing with me with five or six arrests and no convictions and a rape case where the police went on the news to say that I had "mental issues" and to disclose that there was no investigation in a case where they should not have commented at all. Are the PSPD so stupid as to say a mental patient can't be raped, not that I am one, or that an investigation wasn't happening when two suspects had been interviewed. This is a clear case of informant misconduct and threatening to the system of justice we have.
Even I won't appear in a federal courtroom without disclosing that I am monitored by my team and by the criminals...I'm not a willing participant for one, but the other keeps me alive. What to do? I would love to go to Los Angeles to watch the proceedings...but will send my attorneys instead. This is the safest approach to this problem when you know...think about it Rae. You may get off on this civil judgment, but you will have to commit a federal crime to do it. Whose lives are you putting in danger again by being this way...? The Nichols? You don't know how ruthless the Angelino crowd is...you have no idea.
My first concern is for my team and Christopher Monti. As always I think that our attorneys have to disclose to both the attorneys for the County of Riverside, the City of Palm Springs and the defendants as well as the Geragos team that this department is under investigation for the illegal use of wireless communications devices and RFID chips used illegally against the citizens of Palm Springs. This protects us from criminal negligence and disclosing this to the U.S. Attorney in Los Angeles would protect us too. Christopher and I are the informants in this case and want to be as clean as rain water when it comes to the illegal implantation of these devices and the illegal use of these devices against the gay community. Neither one of us wants to participate in spying for the PSPD or Lisa. I never have and neither has Christopher. We are working as informants to stop this crime...as well as the people that are on our team whom are keeping us safe from these criminals. Our lives depend on the use of this team. We wouldn't be alive without them. They are preserving our civil rights by monitoring us with our permission. We do not give permission to any other people to monitor us and a member of my team has complete power over whom monitors this phone line that is paid for and legal.
My second concern is for the PSPD...are you going to take your chances by allowing an officer that is a knowing and willing participant of this remote neural monitoring to enter into a courtroom and possibly jeopardize the safety of her fellow officers and more importantly the Nichols' family even further? The problem is this. If they take a wait and see approach, they could be made an example of by the feds in further prosecution...and could lose everyone that works there forever.
Laurie, by her own admission, "can't and won't stop". She simply will not be told what to do and that policy is clearly not something that she has ever observed with the police in this situation. The police officers are illegally monitored on the job by the City's own "wireless devices" policy. Is this department now knowingly and willingly saying that they will break federal law and not disclose this too...that's a very risky choice with severe consequences by the federal government whom is now clamping down on domestic terrorism. Trust me, I want to be as patriotic as possible President Obama, I need your advice as to how to proceed. Please help me.
How can I avoid ending up like Ed Snowden but not believe that what he had to say isn't true if the federal government isn't willing to address this problem with me and protect Christopher and myself? I don't agree with Ed's disclosure, but am I any different saying this here? I would never betray my country but what is my country doing to help me out of 30 years of stalking. I want to live in YOUR America, what's that like? Help me President Obama...I've given so much to our country...I need your advice:
Laurie and Brian, at some point in the future, will have to argue that these police officers knew what they were getting into, after all the chips didn't just fall into their heads. The "hook up" was done with their full consent even though Laurie lied about the "informed" part of their consent. Once again, the wisdom of this department will be called into question. The second part of this is that this pair will say that the police wanted them to monitor the gay community for drugs...all the arrests were gay men...all the victims drugged and implanted/infected...but this was an acceptable policy for the police...I'll bet that Laurie will even go so far as to say, "Rae knew what we were doing, she just didn't care"...after all, "which one of you is being the meanest person tonight" has been said.
Experimentation in the community is best observed with the seen in the 1932 to 1972 Tuskegee syphilis experiment where black men were given syphilis and alleged to have been given free health care although the US Health Department was only using them as an experiment and they weren't treated for the condition when treatment was available. In our case we are being experimented upon by a private citizen and a police department that refuses to recognize that they volunteered, received benefits from and allowed this to happen in the gay community for almost as long...1987- present...so far. In our case, technology and disease are being used with the only benefits going to a drug dealer and police whom are gaining information for arrested hung from the fruit of the poisoned vine. 399 black men, approximately, were part of the Tuskegee experiment...It is alleged that the Palm Springs experiment has over 530 gay men and women...but the consequences went far beyond the death and insanity from syphilis, which is horrific. For our unwilling participation we have been daily tortured with microwaves and voices, HIV and Hep C...for which there is no cure and jail terms which have taken away our civil rights.
All of this adds up to be one of the largest hate crimes in American history...all favoring one uneducated bigoted woman and her counterpart brother. Not done in the name of humanity or science, this was all done for her pleasure, sexual and monetary. Not that it makes any difference. Human experimentation on a minority is just bullying with a different name...and sex policing on a huge scale.
I don't want to be this guy...but how can I be an American and not be? I won't betray our country and our country requires that I tell the truth. How can I avoid being the "Most Wanted Man in the World"? I am being oppressed.
If Rae Fernandez doesn't think that her clandestine relationship with the LaTweekers is dangerous for those whom know, consider that I've already been shot at as a federal agent, raped, stalked and infected to end what I know is happening. What does she think will happen to her or others because of her agreement? She has nothing to fear from me...I am a passifict, a priest's boyfriend and in love with a terrific person...I don't promote violence, I promote peace. Where is Rae falling on these issues? Putting innocent people in jail because they know what is going on? That's like Hitler or the Nazi's...shutting up the gays or Jews that they "saw as a problem". This isn't Nazi Germany, it's modern day Palm Springs, California.
The difference between myself and Ed Snowden is that I am informing the world that we are being spied upon and experimented upon by private citizens, not the government...but you all know that it is just a matter of time until these criminals blame the federal government for this crime even though it is simple to prove it is being done without any type of authority in the homes and on the computers of private people...trying to steal from everyone else. This is the major difference. We have the suspects all we need is President Obama to step in. Save the government from being blamed...use me in a way that makes this administration look like the heroes that they are. I know that President Obama would never want this situation to go unnoticed or unpunished. Send a message, sir.
This is what needs to be considered...Christopher and I want out of this horrible unpatriotic nightmare. We love our country, God and our families...how can the President and the Justice Department ignore our pleas? Even Ed Snowden gets to see his girlfriend. I haven't seen Christopher in over 6 years and the police threw him in jail because he loves me. That's not fair Mrs. Obama...I love Christopher...he's a good boy and my best friend. What am I supposed to do?
Kevin and Christopher