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What looks complicated to most people, to me, isn't nearly as hard...I study, I learn, I plan...then I execute the plan. |
When you are dealing with the Palm Springs' Police Department's, self proclaimed problem solver, a woman that confuses circumcised with circumstantial, you have to look at things on a much more national level. Clearly if this high school loser had risen to the top of the law enforcement food chain here...I would not be dealing with the Stanford/Harvard/Yale-types that I was dealing with in my career that I resigned from to take on this job. I would have to dummy down, play the high school jock, blonde surfer..."awesome dude" kind of guy that nobody expects much from. That's a role I love playing because it affords me the advantage of learning while others aren't paying attention...an excellent quality for an informant of federal level.
I want to remind police officers that might be thinking that Laurie is in way over her head that I once had a much better paying job than any of you, more prestigious and with much better security clearance...and I resigned it because of the level of infiltration that Laurie has with a mind crime. It was far too dangerous for my co-workers to be exposed to the kind of terrorism that this crime brings. So if Rae Fernandez and her pals think that they are doing the best for their "family", I would caution that the more you continue to allow her access to private things like email, phones, text messages and your contacts, you are actually putting your department in much greater danger. You aren't helping the problem, you are creating it. You may want Laurie to stop, but she won't. She sees you as an underling, less experienced, not worthy and subordinate to her system that doesn't ever have you off computer.
You have to realize that your every action and thought can be manipulated to Laurie's advantage in the immediate, but to your detriment in the future. You see the wonderful thing about new crimes like (crimes of the mind) this is how they are dealt with by the court. There is a lot of leeway given to what the court can find out with new technology especially when you have given your consent to use it. Your thoughts are a transcript, your conversations discoverable and your actions aren't secret. You gave that away. That was a mistake. Laurie and her friends have no authority to grant you any kind of expectation of privacy as criminals. Rae and friends would better serve their department by staying home and staying out of it. The less you know and do, the less she can find out. Don't help her by learning anything. It's not the kind of thing that you are prepared for, but I am.
That being said, I will let you all in on a little secret I've been keeping. I know Laurie and have been dealing with her treachery for decades. What everyone at the PSPD thought would be such an advantage, is, in fact, a crime. There is no way for Laurie to infiltrate the gay drug scene without it being a hate crime...with horrible consequences for anyone that uses that information illegally. What would behoove you know is to stop immediately and let me do what I do best. Work. I've planned on this eventuality for myself and Christopher but for the Nichols' family as well, knowing that this kind of informant mistreatment was part of the conspiracy.
These are some of the facts.
No matter what Laurie has told any of you is that I resigned my position with the U.S. Justice Department in very good standing. There isn't a single blemish on my perfect record. Not one. She'll tell you all kinds of lies, but the attorneys that work with my team know, for a fact, that I am whom I say I am and that I have nothing in my past that would ever leave the Dept. of Justice asking questions about my service. I'm well liked, well associated and well respected in the federal legal community...a fact that I used to my advantage about seven years ago...while I was writing, nightly, in my diaries. If Laurie ever tells any of you that she wasn't aware of this, she is lying. Right down to the attorneys we are using now, I know that Laurie was contacting them and telling them that she "worked for your police department". I can prove it and will.
This is why my team hired them...they knew my record and knew what I was telling them was true. "We have a huge civil rights problem here in Palm Springs with our police department" was told to lawyers, U.S. Attorneys, U.S. Marshals and others...seeking advice on how to proceed with this crime. Proceed I did...I didn't make a single mistake in what I was telling them and they pointed me in the right direction. The choice to make myself an informant for the police was suggested to me...it wasn't by accident...I was told to talk to the local police about it in the safest manner I could by the then United States Attorney in the Western District of California, Riverside...whom I was put in contact with by the Major Crimes Division Chief for the U.S. Attorney in San Diego, then USDA, Michael Wheat. A terrific man with a good sense of whom I am.
I knew that if the local police were using this kind of system that it would be a crime of civil rights...that would make it federal...utilizing the internet and the phone system in a manner that was actually created by crime to commit more crimes against the gay community...and now, it would appear, at least in the Nichols' case...in the community at large.
With the comments made to my by Laurie and her friends, I was certain...and wrote about it in my diaries...that my connections with the federal government would play a key role in the destruction of this system. Now, if you are an operator of this system in San Diego, you should know better than to blame me for this problem. I was constantly monitored and treated like an animal for years before I was shot at while working for the Justice Department. Rae, that would make me an employee of the federal government when an attempt to take my life was made. You have all seen that police report haven't you? You can see from the address on the police report taken the night of my shooting that the address shows where I was working and it gives a time and date that my team can use to check on the thinking of both Laurie and Brian LaTweek the exact night of the shooting. You see this system works both ways...it can hurt a victim, but it can also track the movements and thoughts of the criminals as well. You know Laurie, she loves a good text message...
This is the SDPD police report from the night of my shooting for Rae and other PSPD officers. You will note the address where I worked is the federal court...and you will see it is dated and timed just minutes after the shooting. Cell phone whereabouts for Junior and Laurie will be critical. Now Rae, remember, if she was texting you from a phone that was talking to Junior whom was in my neighborhood on the night of the shooting, that will tie you to Laurie...and the crime that was committed against me while I was a federal agent. Even if the topics aren't related, it shows a relationship between you, Laurie and someone that was on my block on the night of the attempted murder...that is great evidence!!!
That being said, I will let you all in on a little secret I've been keeping. I know Laurie and have been dealing with her treachery for decades. What everyone at the PSPD thought would be such an advantage, is, in fact, a crime. There is no way for Laurie to infiltrate the gay drug scene without it being a hate crime...with horrible consequences for anyone that uses that information illegally. What would behoove you know is to stop immediately and let me do what I do best. Work. I've planned on this eventuality for myself and Christopher but for the Nichols' family as well, knowing that this kind of informant mistreatment was part of the conspiracy.
These are some of the facts.
No matter what Laurie has told any of you is that I resigned my position with the U.S. Justice Department in very good standing. There isn't a single blemish on my perfect record. Not one. She'll tell you all kinds of lies, but the attorneys that work with my team know, for a fact, that I am whom I say I am and that I have nothing in my past that would ever leave the Dept. of Justice asking questions about my service. I'm well liked, well associated and well respected in the federal legal community...a fact that I used to my advantage about seven years ago...while I was writing, nightly, in my diaries. If Laurie ever tells any of you that she wasn't aware of this, she is lying. Right down to the attorneys we are using now, I know that Laurie was contacting them and telling them that she "worked for your police department". I can prove it and will.
This is why my team hired them...they knew my record and knew what I was telling them was true. "We have a huge civil rights problem here in Palm Springs with our police department" was told to lawyers, U.S. Attorneys, U.S. Marshals and others...seeking advice on how to proceed with this crime. Proceed I did...I didn't make a single mistake in what I was telling them and they pointed me in the right direction. The choice to make myself an informant for the police was suggested to me...it wasn't by accident...I was told to talk to the local police about it in the safest manner I could by the then United States Attorney in the Western District of California, Riverside...whom I was put in contact with by the Major Crimes Division Chief for the U.S. Attorney in San Diego, then USDA, Michael Wheat. A terrific man with a good sense of whom I am.
I knew that if the local police were using this kind of system that it would be a crime of civil rights...that would make it federal...utilizing the internet and the phone system in a manner that was actually created by crime to commit more crimes against the gay community...and now, it would appear, at least in the Nichols' case...in the community at large.
With the comments made to my by Laurie and her friends, I was certain...and wrote about it in my diaries...that my connections with the federal government would play a key role in the destruction of this system. Now, if you are an operator of this system in San Diego, you should know better than to blame me for this problem. I was constantly monitored and treated like an animal for years before I was shot at while working for the Justice Department. Rae, that would make me an employee of the federal government when an attempt to take my life was made. You have all seen that police report haven't you? You can see from the address on the police report taken the night of my shooting that the address shows where I was working and it gives a time and date that my team can use to check on the thinking of both Laurie and Brian LaTweek the exact night of the shooting. You see this system works both ways...it can hurt a victim, but it can also track the movements and thoughts of the criminals as well. You know Laurie, she loves a good text message...
This is the SDPD police report from the night of my shooting for Rae and other PSPD officers. You will note the address where I worked is the federal court...and you will see it is dated and timed just minutes after the shooting. Cell phone whereabouts for Junior and Laurie will be critical. Now Rae, remember, if she was texting you from a phone that was talking to Junior whom was in my neighborhood on the night of the shooting, that will tie you to Laurie...and the crime that was committed against me while I was a federal agent. Even if the topics aren't related, it shows a relationship between you, Laurie and someone that was on my block on the night of the attempted murder...that is great evidence!!!
This is a copy of the SDPD Incident report from the night of my shooting. Incidentally, this shooting happened on the same night that my then boyfriend, John Payne, and I broke up. Junior has a long history of "falling in love" with my boyfriends and this particular one was right up his...um...alley. John was very handsome, blonde, young looking, artist...with a big endowment (Junior's absolute favorite thing). We broke things off earlier in the day which, sources have told me, set Laurie's vagina in motion...Junior's penis too...Junior had been contacting John on the computer for weeks and the "break up" made him excited, Laurie too. I went to a friend's house, police will look up the name Craig Hopkins in Palm Springs, for some consolling and I came home afterwards on 7/30/03 at about 1:30 am. I had to work the next day in arraignments...it was my duty week...a very busy time for me.
What my team is working on is the location of Brian's cellphone on the morning of the shooting. This was at the end of a very long gang stalking situation where I was followed everywhere, but guess what? On this particular night...not a single gang stalking car could be found. Nothing...dead silent...excuse the pun. This means that someone had given the order to the stalkers that on this particular night, I was not to be followed. This NEVER HAPPENED...and that was the night I was shot at. We expect the evidence to show that either Laurie or Brian text messaged or emailed the San Diego stalking crew to lay off, for the shooting to occur.
I lived downtown...in a very busy section of the city...but on this night...only two vehicles were on the road. Mine and a silver truck, older with a camper shell blacked out driven with two people in it wearing gray hoodies...before I was shot...the driver smiled at me. I will never forget it.
What you see above is the redacted version of the police report. The redacted parts is the name of a witness to the shooting. His address, name and so forth. What is not redacted are the parts that show that the shooting was with a handgun, aggravated, the time and place, where I worked...and that the case is "open and workable"...as are all unsolved shootings. This should concern Rae Fernandez...because if the phones used in my area or contacted by Laurie ever contact her...she has a major problem with her associations with a criminal suspected in the shooting of a federal agent. Not good for a local cop with many run ins with my friends in the future. Planning is so crucial in these matters. Patience too.
It is my understanding that Laurie has made the comment to police that she knows everything about me...on court papers she denies all of that...lets hope that text messages between the two will show perjury. A conspiracy is born...and executed.
You see what we expect to see is Junior's cell phone outside of Craig Hopkins residence on Albatross then in the area of the shooting on 5th avenue at the times that I was present there. If that cell phone shows what I expect it will show...there will either be calls or texts from Laurie to Junior on the night of the shooting. Remember that mysterious text message I got from Steven Frey's phone on the night that Christopher and I decided to meet with Sgt. Anderson to ink the confidential informant work for him the next day? "Now I know why there is a bullethole in ur cardoor, too bad THEY missed"..."They" meaning that the text sender knew about there being more than one person involved in the shooting, a fact nobody but the SDPD knew about from that night.
I took the liberty of revisiting the San Diego area when I went to gather some evidence of Jonathan Mendenhall's "storage unit" to snap some photos of Craig Hopkin's apartment on Albatross and at the crime scene that my team is alleging that Laurie and Junior also have photos of in their stalking of me as a person that they intended to have shot at the night of the drive by shooting. There are also pictures of Junior in my San Diego apartments, uninvited and broken in to...as well as photos of me with my coworkers from the Department of Justice. This shows the kind of danger that being electronically harassed and working for the DOJ put them in. I could not, with a clear conscience, continue to work there while this stalking was being commenced. Laurie and Brian will have to explain why they were in possession of these photos while I was living in that area. Allegedly there are many photos of myself in San Diego in Laurie's possession.
Laurie is allegedly in possession of other items stolen from my San Diego apartment long before I even thought of her and her brother. Work related files, pay stubs, co-workers private phone numbers and a yearbook from the year that she graduated. She would eventually steal all of my yearbooks and allegedly my own sister's wedding album from the home that I currently live in. There is no way she should be in possession of any of these items.
In actuality, the text came after Christopher and I verbally committed to the informant work, which, I believe, set off Laurie...her drug dealer...the PSPD's drug dealer...was about to be stung...and she was furious. Sgt. Anderson can recount how she acted when she spoke with him the next day. Remember, there is a "four year relationship" that is referred to in court paperwork filed years later by a woman named in a restraining order...Sgt. Anderson must have known that both Christopher and myself were implanted in this crime...Laurie says she knows what we think all the time. This also means that two CONFIDENTIAL informants were being illegally monitored by the PSPD...civil rights violation right there!!!
I called Bryan Anderson and agreed to do the informant work with Christopher on the May 3, 2008...and at 3:09 am on May 4, 2008,I got this text message from Steven's phone...obviously the texter knew what Christopher and I were doing the next day. Steven never texted me ever...I had not texted him this day either and this came out of the blue because Laurie was listening in:
11 days later and after the very last court hearing for something else Laurie got me in trouble for and was dismissed, I got this text message about 10 minutes outside of the court...obviously someone was monitoring my life...the timing of both of these texts shows Steven's phone number...this one came 11 days after becoming an informant:
This put me in fear for my life and Christopher's, nobody from the PSPD ever protected us from what Laurie knew or was telling Steve, the subject of our informant work...I tried calling Bryan and did reach an officer of the PSPD who did not relay the message to him...my mom was in the car when this was done.
When the sting was properly set up, by Christopher and myself...something happened...the police balked and we were left to fend for ourselves from a drug dealer that was sending me death threats...something that I communicated to Sgt. Anderson the day we inked the informant deal. A few weeks later I would receive another text saying "u r a deadman" from Steven's phone which I believe he was forced to plead to or be turned in by Laurie as a drug dealer...that text shows that both Christopher and I were in danger. I got a restraining order temporarily issued for Christopher and myself with Christopher's blessing. I love my boyfriend.
What happens after all of that is a bunch of the usual shit. The police threaten me on behalf of Steven Frey...Villegas and Dougherty...and I am aware that a U.S. Post Office box appears in Joshua Tree bearing the name of Steven Frey...right after the informant work was done. I was clearly well versed in how to handle this. I tried calling Sgt. Anderson...no connection. I called the Chief of Police...many times to tell him I was afraid for my life with good cause showing...still nothing...then the police threaten me. We were left out in the cold, just like the Nichols. We were used by the police then discarded to the criminals.
That started in motion a series of smart moves on my part.
Calls and letters to my attorney friends in San Diego telling them that there was a huge problem going on with this department. Two U.S. Attorneys in San Diego, one in Riverside, the DEA in Riverside, a court clerk was left evidence in Riverside, a call was made to the Chino Hills police department...and many other things were done to let everyone in the federal government know that Christopher and I were in serious danger. Years later Christopher would be jailed by the PSPD under the most suspicious of circumstances and I would have my right to due process impinged upon by a City of La Quinta employee, the counsel for Riverside County, the Riverside Assistant District Attorney and the Commissioner that Lisa has used for decades. This was all planning on my part. I have to show where Lisa goes to get this kind of crime committed against informants. And I did.
I want everyone to note that Laurie, in her efforts to end my life and career at the Justice Department, always does one really telling thing; she lies. She probably contacted these U.S. Attorneys and told them that I was "fired" for using drugs, that isn't something she would know or have anything to do with unless she was involved in that conspiracy. I have proof of that from statements made from our then Clerk of Court, Sam Hamrick that stated to me with others present, "I have people watching you everywhere..." something that was brought to the attention of my attorneys while I was going through the decision making to resign my position for the safety of the court and their employees. Laurie paints the most hideous picture of Christopher and myself as a way of deflecting attention from her own hideous existence. I fully expect the evidence will show that she made hundreds of these types of communications over the years.
My planning was efficient, complete and very well documented by my team...I know what Lt. Reyes told me...I know what happened after that in favor of the criminals and I know that the PSPD did nothing to help us. I was then stalked to Sedona, Arizona along with my friends Anthony and Jonathan while we were vacationing and working on this crime. You see Laurie has a way of thinking that she can erase her mistakes by making more...it is very dangerous for police knowing that the pair is likely connected with my shooting then stalking to Arizona.
You see, when it comes to planning, you have to cover all the bases, and I have. I plan because this crime tends to get swept under the rug locally...it has been seen in Christopher's cases, my cases without convictions and in the case of the Nichols' family. This is what we call an abridgement of our civil rights. In the case of Christopher and myself, it is involving a hate crime against the gay community, by the members of the PSPD that would allow both of us to be used by an unofficial outside sourced information gatherer and drug dealer that had no permission to stalk and follow us.
This is what this dumb blonde California jock did for his New York priest boyfriend.
That's only a smidgen of the work that I've done...and the dismantling of this system has begun officers of the PSPD. The reason that my team works with me is because of my honesty and integrity while working for the federal government and while I was working here in Palm Springs. Sgt. Anderson knows me...he knows I would never give less than 100% honest and truthful information to law enforcement. I simply can't lie...it's just not what I believe in when it comes to the law. I want people to know that all along the way that Laurie was aware of what I was planning and what I did. She will act like she didn't know or that it isn't true, but why would I write it if it wasn't? I have nothing to hide, I love Christopher and committed to this project giving up a terrific career with the U.S. Justice Department. I wasn't fired from there. I resigned for the safety of my coworkers and the federal government.
Laurie has appointed herself the PSPD's "protector" and I will tell you that a criminal that protects police is a very unwise decision. She has absolutely no training, no authority, no career and nothing that the feds will like which seemed to sway the PSPD in her direction. Once again an unwise decision made by the department that seems to not understand that confidential informant work is one of the most important tools that the police can have, but for that kind of work the police are charged with protecting us from the criminals...this department doesn't but they take all of the benefits of the information including promotions, salary increases, statistical funding and, perhaps, kickbacks for bad stings like the Pawn Shop scheme that smells like bad cop work.
Once again, if there is ever a police chief, detective, cop or district attorney that thinks that this whole investigation wasn't planned...then they need to consult my diaries from the period when this was all taking place. They are in the hands of my attorneys and haven't been seen by myself since 2007. I haven't altered them in any way because I haven't had them since Laurie stole them from me. The provide a detailed account of dates and times that my team will use to compare to what Laurie told federal officials about her involvement with the PSPD and other officers from that department. It is what I like to call the "perfect storm". I did this diary writing for about ten years in San Diego before coming to Palm Springs and it continued right through the days of Steven Frey's drug dealing and afterwards. I am thorough...if not professional.
The decision to use Christopher Monti as my co-informant was calculated on a few things. He had no criminal record save a traffic or parking ticket (silly boy), he is a priest, he's tough and has street credibility from the City of New York. I also happen to love him...he's honest and trustworthy and needs no coaching...he's smart, educated, committed and stronger than anyone knows. His entrapment and jail sentence are all part of what I know he can get through, sorry Mrs. Monti, it wasn't my plan to have this last part happen. I would much rather be with him than without him...sorry Amanda. I won't ever put him at risk again, but you need to keep him honest and like the person you know I love.
Getting the job done is what I do.