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Friday, July 11, 2014

"Tight Things" and Siblings: Lisa's Brother Brian Is Her Accomplice

Lisa calls her brother, "her sister" because he likes men and dresses up like a woman.  Similarly she calls her mother, "her sister" and her father, "her brother"....she thinks it's funny to poke fun at her real family then hides behind them when she calls their roles into question...

Let's just stick with her brother, Brian LaNotFunny.  

They aren't supposed to be seen together, that's one of their rules.

It is true that I had no idea that the petitioner from the City of La Quinta has a brother, same thing with Lisa.  He's considerably older than I am and I never knew her immediate family dynamic at all.  Why would I want to?  This little girl wasn't exactly the kind of person that I would want to know.

Through my research I have learned that Lisa has always had an affinity for living very near the object of her obsessed targeting.  One other thing I learned is that there is a man that is always right there with her when she does it.  It is her brother Brian.  Lisa doesn't want anyone to know that it is her brother, especially Steven Frey.  Steven Frey actually told me about this man living across the street from him when he lived in the Cat City Cove, but he called him "Stephen".  I can honestly say that Steven Frey hates this man whom he calls "Evil Stephen #1".  

Apparently Brian caused Steven Frey a lot of problems while he was living with Jackson Velin in the Cove.

Brian is the man that pretended to be "Peter DiMartino" using Remote Neural Monitoring while I was Steven Frey's boyfriend.  He admitted to raping me at Steven Frey's home and to raping Christopher Monti in San Diego, but what he didn't say was that it was almost always under the direction of his sister that demanded that this be done.

I actually saw this man inside of Steven Frey's home one night when "Peter" went silent and all I could hear was Lisa's voice.  I was afraid for Steven's life so I went to his home and looked in the window to see if Steven was alright.  He didn't answer his door and I was worried.  For months I had heard that "Peter" was sexually assaulting can see that the two appear to have a relationship based on those text messages that I have...

I looked in the window and actually saw Brian in bed with Steven Frey knocked out...Brian was wearing women's panties and I thought the whole situation was strange.  I thought that this must be something else that Steven Frey must be "in to" that I didn't know about...there was that suggestion made to me many times by Lisa and her I never said anything.  Now I wish that I had.

Jonathan Mendenhall told me that Lisa's brother is the person that Lisa sent to San Diego to shoot at me and stalk me.  That would make sense because I don't know him from Adam, but I do know could a man that doesn't even know me find me in San Diego and shoot at me...then be related to her?  That's not a coincidence that's a conspiracy...and it is being handled as such.  I don't know what Lisa told him about me...but whatever it was, it was enough to make him want to kill me.

It should be said that Brian tends to fall for my boyfriends...John Payne in San Diego and Steven Frey and Christopher Monti in Palm Springs....he likes to see them in person and has used Jonathan Mendenhall to set this up.   Personally I think it is something that Lisa forces him to do under the guise of meeting them for herself, but since they are gay, she uses her brother as an excuse.  Christopher has likely seen this man and met him.   I know one night when Jonathan took Christopher to meet Lisa and Brian that Brian sent Christopher back with a pair of camouflage panty hose that Lisa tried to make him wear.  Christopher didn't put them on...doing so would have shown Lisa and Brian some kind of loyalty and would have immediately turned me off.

Jonathan Mendenhall was forced to wear a huge pair of outstretched bikini briefs that he said was to show loyalty to Lisa and her brother.  I've seen this with other men that were told to dress alike when they met with Brian.  He calls them the Mickey Mouse shirts, blue shorts...but all the same.  This is another technique used by gang stalkers to identify each other.  TI Jason Dollar calls this, "the color of the day" stalkers...all wearing purple or green or some identifying logo.

Steven Frey should be shown this man Brian's picture for identification...that would help him identify his stalker.

One thing that I find very interesting about the petitioner from the City of La Quinta and Lisa both is their desire to not mention their brother.  If you look at the restraining order issued by Commissioner Best, you will see that the petitioner does not mention her brother AT ALL.  She mentions her sister, mother and father, but there is no mention of her brother that once played football with her former "four year boyfriend", Sgt. Bryan Anderson.  Lisa is constantly doing the same things that this petitioner does...she acts like she has no contact with him, but my sources say that neither woman is ever far from her brother's protection.

The petitioner does make a big deal out of my comments on my former blog about knowing two men, "Christian and Junior".  The petitioner says she doesn't know anyone by those names as if I just made them up.  You can see clearly from comments made by Jonathan Mendenhall on his Asstrology Report in Odyssey Magazine that "Junior's Jockstrap" is something he not only knows about, but makes reference to.

Text messages that I've received from Steven Frey's phone mention both Christian and "Peter" whom we now know was being portrayed by Lisa's brother Brian.  So if the texter knows Christian and Peter/Brian, then whom is portraying Steven Frey?  Perhaps if it wasn't Steven himself, it was the person that "ransacked" his home before Lisa moved to my area.  If the texter is referring to "Peter" and Christian, then I suggest the third person writing these is Lisa herself.  Pretending to be Steven Frey; AND IN EARLIER TEXTS...Sheree Frey too..."this is Steven's sister..."

There are other sick pieces of evidence involving Lisa and her brother, but I will let my team deal with them and Anthony Dabiere on those...