Morally Conscious

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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Just the Fax Laurie...How To Know When Laurie is Using Your Phone Number

Now I know it's been a while, but does this look like the kind of phone that you would use to text someone?  How about fax them?  In fact does this remind you of the kind of phone that would be able to be portable?  The answer is an obvious, "No".  So why are phones and phone numbers attached to phones like this being used port-ably?

The answer is simple...Laurie is using them to activate her stolen cell phones so that she can make cell phone calls on them then she switches them back but the bill still shows the phone calls.

A dedicated fax line should only show faxes being sent and received on it.  It shouldn't show text messages or regular phone calls on it because it is dedicated to ONE thing...sending and receiving faxes.

The other day I was at my father's home and he was puzzled by his phone bill with lots of calls to Palm Desert that neither he nor my mom had made.  My brother in law got a text about "buying some weed" from someone whom was leaving his house "right now" to buy it.  The only problem?  My brother in law doesn't sell or use weed.  So whom is using these phone numbers to call my family and stalk them?

I can tell you this.  When both of my nieces were pregnant, Laurie knew about it before I did and it is because she is sitting on her ass monitoring my nieces cell phone texts and borrowing their phone numbers when she gets a chance because Laurie has three stolen iPhones and they both used iPhones too.  It's a shame to think that it is so easy to look up when these numbers are being used team should have already handled this situation with Verizon.