Morally Conscious

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Friday, December 20, 2013

The Reason It's a PARENT Coalition....

There is a reason why I can't report this girl to the Palm Springs Police Department and here's why.  First of all, I was told not to call them ever again about this "Steven Frey Related Case" by Officers Dougherty and Villegas when they interviewed me...if I did, I would have "criminal charges" brought against me.

Even though I am an informant for Sgt. Anderson, that's the last word that I was given.  This, Laurie feels, is the PSPD's way of saying, "we support your torture program and we will help you".  I've never heard another word from that department since then so I steer clear.  Parents are always encouraged to call that department and our City Council with her full name and her brother's full name and report her.  I think that it is an excellent way to keep the pressure on them.

Remember folks, what I do, she counters with erasing phone messages, erasing emails from the City and by calling and telling them lies.  All of this obstruction is what landed Christopher in jail in the first place.

If it is any indication how corrupt this department is, then you should just look at what they allowed this woman and the City of La Quinta to get away with by restraining me with a non Riverside County Employee...subject.

Laurie literally feels that the police might say one thing outwardly but internally they believe otherwise....kind of like, "his team is listening to me so they just HAVE to say that to me"...sort of thing.

I can't set foot in that department because of the warrant arising from that restraining order even though I have them all in a position to be put in court to defend their actions or non action as I am an informant.