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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Robert Stansfield's Initial Interview Quetionnaire: Another Junior Johnson Favorite!

Another former customer of Steven Frey and victim of Electronic Harassment is Robert Stansfield.

Robert, an advocate for himself for years got ahold of me when he first saw the HateLisa Campaign.  We did not know each other and he filled out this questionnaire for our investigation a while particular attention to what he has to say about law enforcement involvement, his friendship with Steven Frey....and the manipulation of his cellphone service...and "leading you down the garden path", a feeling so many victims go through on their way to jail!

Robert is highly educated when it comes to this technology and I wanted to post his is a link until I can have it scanned.

Robert's permission to publish this questionnaire is on file with me and he has given permission for my team to listen in on any conversation that the Johnsons would have with him from this point forward as have Jeffrey Brandriff, Randy Ringger, Doug Martindale and myself.  My team NEVER looks at conversations between police officers, but should one be in contact with the Kelly Fieux interview...these are recorded with my permission!