Morally Conscious

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Help Me: I'm Being Stalked by Ron Jeremy's Evil Pedophilic Narcissistic Crossdressing Twin...with a tiny penis!

Now bloggers have been asking me for years to post a picture of Junior Johnson...and the closest I can come to doing that so far would be porn legend and all around funny guy (and surprisingly Katzenberg favorite!) Ron Jeremy.

Now you have to put a little more weigh on him...shave off the stache (sometimes) insert the brain of a gnat...and make him homosexual with tranny tendencies and a proclivity for little boys under the age of 12 and you have Junior...a hot mess of methamphetamine, needles and a deep love for everything Jonathan Mendenhall...especially what Jonny's packin down there...

That's Junior.