Okay let's take a look again at what Junior Johnson is doing to his last major stalking victim while he is still in a jail cell. How in the hell is this person still logging into an account bearing Steven Frey's picture and information and requesting to meet them "now and at their place"...Unless Steven Frey is working on a computer from his jail cell and able to escape from prison to come all the way down to Palm Springs THIS AD IS BEING ACCESSED ILLEGALLY....FOR WHAT? TO SELL DRUGS...ALL IT WOULD TAKE IS THE TINIEST BIT OF INVESTIGATION BY THE PSPD TO FIND OUT WHOM IS BEHIND THIS...JUST LIKE WHOM IS LOGGIN INTO JONATHAN'S FATHER'S EMAIL ACCOUNT....OTHER MEN'S ADAM4ADAM ACCOUNTS....BANK ACCOUNTS...WHOM IS WRITING LETTERS AS JONATHAN'S FATHER AND AS MARIE MONTI'S HUSBAND...
This is what Tracy Johnson and Junior Johnson do...they use people. They are lonely, desperate, and criminally insane about hurting people....and they have done it for so long that nobody does anything to stop them.
The best example of this insanity is Johnathan Mendenhall's faked death...I mean faked obituaries, emails from friends....calls to all of Jonathan's old friends...a paycheck to Jonathan that nobody's ever looked into...and all in the name of hurting people like me, Christopher, Jonathan's parents and family...but never a Johnson...they never take responsibility for anything and the police let them. Someday this will be exposed and Tracy will learn what it is like to be the person she really is. A fat, ugly,unintelligent, manipulator of everyone....including her own family....sad isn't it?