Morally Conscious

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This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Monday, April 9, 2018

Troubling Statements From A Big Mouth Liar

Legendarily, Lori LaFond has a great big filthy mouth.  She's rude and inappropriate almost all the time.  The girls that are sort of friendly with her here, don't really like going out to bars or dinner with her because she is likely to shout out something rude and completely inappropriate.  My friend Barbara has thrown her out of their establishment more times than the trash...nobody knows what she is going to say next, but it is probably threatening.

Lori is under the impression that she is good at "convincing" people of things that are not true.  Let's face it, she did that with the City of La Quinta's attorney and others when she tried that "workplace violence" restraining order and she didn't even work there.  Anyone can lie, but most of us know that breaking the law isn't worth the bullshit.  Most of us have an "off switch" that says, it isn't a good idea to lie, especially under oath.  Lisa, whom Jonathan Mendenhall told me was Lori LaFond, is just the same.  She lies to police and the Larson Justice Center secretaries all the time.  Is it smart?  No, but when you are living in a fantasy world where you are the Queen of Mean, you thing that you can't be touched.  For nearly thirty years gay men complained about her, but nobody knew her real name.  According to Jonathan, it is Lori LaFond.

I can tell you that there is no way that Jonathan could have ever known that I knew this girl or that the only past I have with her is horrible.  Jonathan and I never talked about my childhood or growing up.  He was from Michigan and I was from California.  The information about this girl would be impossible for him to have known because I never spoke about her ever.  Bryan Anderson knows that too.

Jonathan knows the story about my family and what Lori did to us, from her side only.  I've never told him.  For him to know what Lori did to us, is simply because Lori has a huge mouth and she was flapping it to a friend of mine.

If parents are looking to Lori for respect, look elsewhere, parents get the least amount of respect from her than anyone.  She makes up so many sexual fantasies about our parents that it is sickening.  I've already told you about her accusations that she forced upon some kid to make about my father when I was 10 or 11 years old.  They were sexual accusations, filthy, and there was plenty of manufactured evidence.  My father was eventually acquitted, this enraged Lori and she became someone that attacked me regularly almost from the day the verdict came out.  You've read the emails from her.

These are two emails sent to me in 2013 from Lori LaFond.  The second one is listed first and the first one is second.  You can see how she calls herself Laurie in the first one, then "not Laurie" in the second.  That's how stupid she is.  You can click on these to read them, but what you will see is someone that knows me from way back in the seventh grade talking about my father's case.  Only someone from back then would know that stuff.  Nothing in the transcripts would be in there from me because I was a minor witness.  They don't let those out.  Lori LaFond, the accuser's neighbor, had a box of transcripts from my father's trial, now how did she get those.

These two emails have been shown to my sister and father.

The person that writes them admits to being "hired" to harass me.  Clearly we are looking at someone from my past that has a history of making false accusations.  Lori LaFond is the only person that I know that does this.  Boy does she hate gay people too.

Lori's contingency plan is to deny every and anything to make herself look like some kind of victim, but this email clearly shows you who the victim is.  She is bold and she talks about all of my friends.   She is no victim of anything, she's the pursuer.  She tried to have another boy accuse my father after this too.  She called neighbors and tried to complete what she did the first time.  He is a friend of mine and will tell you everything.  Lori is not respectful of anyone or any parent.

What Lori has told Jonathan about what she has done to me and my family is completely from her.  I've never mentioned her name to him.  She is completely capable of trying to fake his death and seek ransom for it.  If you look at the planning that went into my father's prosecution, you will learn about the mind of this sociopath.  She never stopped pursuing me or the members of my family.  What Jonathan knew is important because he learned it from her own mouth and writings.

Then there is this "other" Lori LaFond.  You know, the one that works for the City of La Quinta back when the restraining order was illegally issued.  The one that files documents that say she "doesn't know anything about me since high school".  Isn't that the kind of complete denial that Lisa would make?  When you find out that the woman that did work there, Lori LaFond, is a member of Lori's family but not really her, you start to get the picture that the Lori LaFond that I went to school with is the same as Lisa.  She pretends to work places that she doesn't.  She uses people like they are disposable.  She lies.  She impersonates.  She isn't the same as the person that worked there.

This is the girl that filed the restraining order against me, but here she is in Sedona, Arizona the same dates that I planned my vacation:

The City of La Quinta employee, Lori LaFond, was at work when this picture was taken, but the Lori LaFond that FILED that restraining order is right here!  She can't be in two places at once...see how this looks.  I refuse to publish the restraining order because I am tired of all the lies that the above listed "petitioner" tells people in that application.  Posting it gives her a chance to make up more lies.

Then there are more stories about a "boyfriend" that wasn't her boyfriend who just happened to be my police informant contact.

There are stories about this microchipping that she doesn't  even know about and implies that I am crazy.  Well, her "boyfriend", as Lori calls him, knows all about the truth and he knows that she is lying!!!  Bryan, who is also chipped, knows what Lori has told him about me over the years and it wasn't "high school stuff".  He even went to the jail cell after my first arrest because she told him I was there.  I know this.  Bryan asked me about Lori two times in my life.  Neither time did I ever talk about her.

You see this girl's game playing isn't something that I'm not aware of.  In high school she once accused me of driving a car that she pushed a kid in front of.  It wasn't me in the car, but she swore it was.  Even the driver of that car, the general's son, told her that it was him and she still believed it was some kind of cover up.  I wasn't there.  She's literally demented.  She literally pushed a kid in front of a moving car because she thought I was driving it.  This is the type of thing that Lori does.  Afterwards, she didn't want me to find out that she'd accused me and begged everyone not to tell.

She's contacted my sister and told her not to tell me.  She's contacted boyfriends and girlfriends and told them not to tell me.  She's contacted parents and did the same.  You see, she likes to use this system to make up stories about me with some truth so that it sells the lie.  "Not knowing anything about me since high school," is exactly the kind of denial that you can expect from her.  I guarantee you, she will put on a show like you've never seen before.

When you see where I got my HIV infection from, then you know what she is capable of.

What people need to understand is that I've already told you what Lisa is like:
1.) She says she works for the police - lie
2.) She pretends to work places that she doesn't - lie
3.) She pretends to be police officers and others on the phone/computer - lie
4.) She spends all night and day on the rnm system but doesn't work - lie
5.) She says she has "friends" that work at the courthouse - lie
6.) She says that she's never met any of my friends - lie
7.) She tells police that I use to be her boyfriend - lie
8.) She tells police that I'm a drug addict - lie
9.) She calls police and tells them stories about these victims - lies

When interviewing Lori LaFond, someone needs to make certain that they confirm things like Tax returns, fake id's and thumbprints, talk to the victims that filed complaints about "Jessica" or "Lisa" or "Sara" or "Victoria".  They never knew her real name, but they would never forget her face.  You have to dig to get to the truth.  There is no 50 year old woman that has never had a job that can explain how she earns a living.  It's not possible.

The problem with most of the claims that Lori manufactures is that she is able to log in to police officer emails or spoof their phone numbers to make it look like she is someone that she isn't.  People need to understand that Lori and Brian LaFond need to be interviewed and fingerprinted so that we can gain a better understanding of the type of criminal lifestyle that they have led.  The fingerprints need to be checked against the DMV database for false id's that have been issued.  Establishing identities for both Lori and Brian LaFond locks them both into one single story.  That's what an interview process is for.  Phoning it in is not an option.  Text messages can be sent from anyone.  Emails can be easily logged into or made up at their home.

Catfishing facebook profiles is a television show for God's sake.  This kind of manipulation of the system can only come from being a suspect in the crime that I have described.  This is a mind reading crime...the criminals know what their victims are thinking.  Use your brains people.