Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

I Once Had A Tin Foil Bedroom

Today's blog is all about "Tin Foil Hat People" and how I once use to scoff about what they must be thinking was happening to them.  I won't lie, I made fun of them just like many of you have or still do.  The thing is, I don't do that any more and it isn't because I got nicer or had some great epiphany about becoming a better person, it is because what was happening to them, started happening to me...and it made sense.  The challenge: how do you go from someone that use to be a non believer/government worker to someone that knows the truth and explains it to other people?

First and foremost, I want to be very clear on this.  What I experience is NOT GOVERNMENT SPONSORED.  It is technology that may have been developed by the government and scrapped, but was picked up by a private citizen and relayed to other people in the private sector.  There isn't a government agency that I know of supporting Laurie's need to spy on gay men.  I worked for the Justice Department of the United States and I know that they don't spy on their employees the way this technology is being used, so how can I explain that what I know is going on isn't something that the government is doing to us?  I guess you just kind of have to know Laurie and her brother.  Neither has the brains to work for the government or the law enforcement community.  They would never get past the security clearances.

What we have here folks is the theft of a database and the use of a program that was developed by the military then put online to spy on the public by a private person.  The database and server have been located and are now being watched very closely in Northern California's south bay area.  Where, I won't be specific about, but let's just say we have it found.  If you are thinking about moving it, you can expect to be charged federally...

I wanted to remind Christopher about the time when he came to the Annex apartment in Cathedral City and the bed was surrounded by, what looked like, tin foil.  Lol.  Really, I kept an apartment in Cat City to work on this crime on the weekends that had a power pole right outside my window.  (That is a really bad thing btw...electrical box poles this close to an E.H. victim creates a lot of electropollution outside and inside) To combat this, I put up panels that Anthony left there and stretched out space blankets around them so that the bed area would be "safer" to sleep in.  It was!  It must have looked like I was absolutely nuts, but I will tell you, you can feel it when you wake up!

Basically, sleeping in that bed was the equivalent of resting in a Jiffy Pop Popcorn pan esthetically, but it is so much better than going it solo with an electrical pole outside of your bedroom.  The difference?  Using a shield or shielding that doesn't involve tin foil...things like silverized nylon, copper, lead or, like I used, space blankets, create a barrier for electropollution to keep as much static from getting to your body.  Scalar energy can literally push away microwave energy from your body and create a much better solution for your body.

Think about your microwave oven.  You know that screen in front of your microwave?  That is the equivalent of a faraday cage keeping the microwaves inside of the oven.  If a victim of this crime could build a cage like this around themselves, then they would not fall victim to this kind of torture.  It's really all about preventing these kinds of radio waves from getting to your RFID chip which hasn't ever completely worked, but you can lessen the severity.  If you could see what my team sees and experiment with what I feel, then you could come up with the ultimate in security for this crime.