Morally Conscious

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Sunday, June 22, 2014

She's Obsessed With Blaming Her Family...She Thinks I'll Fall For That

One of the latest tactics used by Laurie is blaming her own sister, mother and father for the way she is.  

Everyone should know that now she is trying to tell me that her real sister is involved with this crime.  That's total bullshit and it's just another red herring.  Her sister is no more involved in this crime than Paris Hilton.  She wants me to start talking about her mom, dad and sister being involved in electronic harassment when I know damn good and well that they are NOT involved.  This is another childish behavior that she exhibits so that she can call them and say, "see mommy, he even thinks you are involved".  One thing I will say here and now is that there is NO WAY that I have ever indicated that any member of her family is involved with this terrorism outside of her own brother Brian.

Laurie is trying this old girl trick...she wants me to say something like, "her sister is involved" but what she isn't realizing is that it MAKES HER LISA!  How could I say something about her real sister and Laurie, not be Lisa???  Laurie's sister isn't a lesbian, she isn't involved and she isn't a problem for any of us.  She is a problem for Laurie...and that's because Laurie used her...just like she uses everyone else. She wants me to do the same with her mom and dad which, I think, is a sad commentary on a little girl that uses people.  Her mom is nice, her dad is nice and her sister is nice.  That's all I know.  I deliberately try not to find out anything about them.  I don't think that involving them in her drama is healthy for anyone.

You see this kind of deliberate attack on my friends all the time.  Emails from Anthony Dabiere's account are proof of her trying to make something look like it isn't.  Anthony and I made an agreement that I would continue to do what I do and he would do what he does...all that other bullshit that I get in emails and texts is from Lisa trying to stick her nose in where it doesn't belong.  When Christopher wouldn't go along with her stupid ideas, she had him jailed....and so on and so forth.

This is a lifelong obsession that this woman has for me...I don't know where it came from and I don't understand it.  Steven Frey knows all about it though...she did the same thing to him.  She involved all of his friends in this technology she is trying to do the same to me.  It won't work.  I will never do what she tells me to do...she is a serious drug addict and has many mental problems.