Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Aggravated Stalking: Here's What California Has To Say About It

“Any person who willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows or willfully and maliciously harasses another person and who makes a credible threat with the intent to place that person in reasonable fear for his or her safety, or the safety of his or her immediate family is guilty of the crime of stalking.”

Can you spot the stalker in this picture?  I can.  This picture was taken while I was on vacation in Sedona, Arizona.  There she is...Little Miss follows people. This picture along with witness testimony proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Lori LaFond was stalking me to Arizona.  She met with and threatened two of  my friends on this vacation.  These are people that she says, just a month or two later, that "she doesn't know."  I'm here to tell you she was following me on this vacation...and her lies about where she works and what she does is a complete fabrication of the truth.

My mother set up my vacation and it was a last minute change that put me in Sedona with Anthony and Jonathan.  Lori and her brother were the most insane they'd ever been on this trip.  I could have ended so much worse if it wasn't for Jonathan and Anthony. 

I'm reminded of what it is like to know that someone has tried to kill you in the past, then you actually see photographic proof of her being there.

The other people in this picture are friends of mine.  There is no way to tell what Lori did to get herself inside of this group of girls, but I can assure you that the rest of Lori's time in Sedona was spent using drugs (nice long sleeves there Lori).  She would later post this picture on one of the girl's facebook pages then start writing from her high school obsession that "she looked so great with her brown hair."  Why would someone go to someone else's facebook page and talk Lori?  This guy is a friend of mine and I am certain he didn't compliment her.  He thinks she is a psychopath too.

By the time I arrived, by myself, in Sedona, Arizona, I'd already lost Anthony because he waited in Phoenix for Jonathan.  Lori was there and chortling about how terrific she was and how "alone" I was.  It was a prelude to a conspiracy.  What transpired during that week was horrendous.  What went on after the trip was even worse.  That was almost ten years ago now.  So many horrible things have happened in the meantime.  This whole problem was based on a lack of understanding of what was planned on this trip.  Half of me wishes that I'd not asked anyone along with me and the other half is glad I did.

The money for this trip came out of the bank account that my sister told me "didn't exist" and that my mom swears to God, she "didn't steal from".  I remember the entire account just like it was yesterday.  My mother took out this money...out of that account.  Lori knew it and so did all the people that stole it from me.  I'm telling you, this entire last ten years was completely avoidable, but not without someone telling the truth.  That never happened.  Why?