Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Little People, Amputees and Transgendered People "With Sex Disorders" Can't Get Driver's Licenses In Russia....Great Place For Laurie and Brian!!!!

Just thought that I would show you where else in the world that the LGBT community is getting treated like sexual deviants....besides Palm Springs, California.   Now in Russia, if you are an amputee, a little person or anyone with a "sex disorder" like transgendered or possibly "gay or lesbian", you can't get a driver's license.  In Palm Springs, if you are one of the uninformed police "spies" with a chip in your can't get a job, get a license, keep a home or contact your parents....not so much different.

Move to Russia Laurie...Vladamir would love to meet you until your woman "proclivities" start to show...and then there's your brother's pantie collection...don't bring that either.