...or as Laurie would put it...
"A woman with Laurie as her sister... is like a bird that pulls off the wings of the other sister... and has her brother cut it's throat so it can't sing prettier than she can ever again...then she has her brother pluck off all your feathers and has him glue them on to her so she's prettier than you too...then she has her brother go to your nest and steal all your best twigs to put them in her nest so she has all of your things that are now hers...(then she calls the police to tell them that you are the worst sister of all and you should go to jail)"
(okay so that last line is what she does to informants with Rae, but the point is well made.)
(this is what we call a metaphor Laurie and Rae...not actuality, but close, it should also not be construed as a threat of any kind...I'm simply stating that Laurie's sister friends historically don't do very well)
To answer your question to her Officer Fernandez, she can't shut her mouth because she is a hopeless drug addict on methamphetamine...that's why.
One thing that I have had to listen to all night long is Laurie's undying support for her "sister friend" Officer Rae Fernandez. What I think Laurie likes about Rae is this cop's ability to have a search warrant issued for an informant's home so that she can go in and have it ransacked without having to go to jail for it. Now that's a quality I look for in a sister too...um...not really.
Rae, if you only knew what this little brat has to say about you, you would wish to God that someone hadn't spoken to Lt. Reyes when she did and let justice take it's place. See what happens when you get involved in someone else's rape investigation...it comes back to haunt you later. (Allegedly)
Sorry bout it...but Officer Fernandez should expect a ploy for sympathy all day long from Laurie...kissing ass and remembering the good old days when it was just you two against the gays or whatever you called us.