Morally Conscious

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Friday, December 6, 2024

Okay Everyone, Here's One For You! How Can We Put Missy Erickson and the JT 5 In The Hospital For Quarantine Legally?


To keep everyone updated, my past two days off were spent hearing Christian and Lori talk all about Lori.  That's all they do!  If I am thinking about something, Christian brings up Lori's name.  In fact, he brings up Lori's name so often that he has a mental problem with her presence.  I would rather think about anyone else in the universe.  She isn't attractive to me.  She has a nasty disposition.  Her mouth is foul.  She hates everyone.  She does nothing but drugs all day and night.  I could find a rock to be more entertaining than her.  I would seriously rather talk to a rock than Lori LaFond.  The rock would be more attractive to me.

This above paragraph is for everyone who knows the truth about the crossing of paths between Lori LaFond and myself.  I've heard her say that I was "becoming more and more obsessed with her" in a restraining order.  Everyone needs to realize that the restraining order was on behalf of a place she DOES NOT WORK (can't as a fugitive), for a job she does not have, in a position she doesn't know how to do, with a four-year boyfriend that was never hers.  She is as crazy and obsessed with my family as an individual could possibly be.  We have NEVER been friendly in any capacity with her.  She's taken potshot after potshot at members of my family both literally and figuratively.   I avoided one bullet by mere inches.

The nerve for her to fantasize that I would ever be obsessed with her is completely absurd.  It is simply her way of trying to make herself look good and compliment herself.  Someone like me would never be interested in someone like her.  Any attempt to paint it any other way is simply the work of a completely obsessed woman trying to get the attention of an uninterested and unattracted man.  I could nor would I ever be interested in Lori Jean LaFond.  Somewhere, I've heard, that a judge once ordered her to stay away from me.  I was never privy to that order.  Lori, not one to value any kind of court order, broke that immediately, implanted and infected me about one year later.  She spent the entire year before stalking me with friends and through the mail.

Lori and Missy are extremely sick.  Pretty much everyone living in that tiny home is subject to tuberculosis infections.  There are other diseases that we all know that Lori has given to others so that she can steal their medication.  Some things you can't though.  Tuberculosis and bacterial staph have to be treated in a hospital quarantine situation.  Lori and her friends are all infected and will eventually infect others.  So my question to all of you is, how do we get them out of that home and into the hospital legally and without a problem???

We know that the six are highly contagious.  We know the home is used as a drug den for shooting up.  We know that both Lori and Brian have warrants in our area.  Why is it so hard to have this dump cleaned up?