Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Wonder How Long The Sheriff and PSPD Investigated This Crime? Is It Because We're Gay Victims or Lori LaFond's Victims???


I'm not sure which bothers me more about headlines like this.  Is it the thin blue line protecting the Palm Springs Police Department or the thick pink line that keeps Lori's victims in servitude?  Does it matter to any of you that what my team is dealing with, along with hundreds of other gay men, is the choice to sacrifice our community for a handful of police officers that broke not only federal law, but local and city employment laws, putting innocent men and women in jail simply because we could be swept under the carpet to keep their secret?

It's frustrating to know that the police have the ultimate authority in the hundreds of cases of rape in our area but when you see what they did to my case, you can certainly understand that intimidation and police cover ups seem to pervade our local law enforcement in favor of a very dangerous national domestic terrorist.  Lori LaFond still remains at large while screaming at all of her victims, threatening them with finding someone that will "make them disappear" if they talk.  It's a total sham that the families, victims and especially the parents have had to sit idly by, while they watch their own investments in their children destroyed by a bunch of dirty cops that have received praise and promotions for illegal activity.  It is illegal to outsource information gathering from a woman using remote neural monitoring to spy on us and pass that information on to them.

This latest raid and warrant execution only exacerbates the problem.  Federal officials can move in on a home that was used for drug distribution and sales with weapons, and a woman that has raped and infected half of the city still sits out here in Joshua Tree, California, scot-free without any of the problems that she caused us.  She's had something like 13 years of free use of crystal meth and illegal syringes and we couldn't even walk down Ramon Road without being arrested and accused of using crystal meth; even with five or six negative tests, I was still held in jail without a single reason given.  Why is it so hard to have Lori LaFond arrested?

IS anyone out there as angry as I am?

My head was crushed, my body soiled with her frozen blood, a crime lab report detailed this...and yet, here she is, free as a bird.  Why?  Why isn't the Chief of Police being asked these questions publicly?  He should have to have an answer for the people of Palm Springs, and the people of the Morongo Valley where he allowed this rapist to flee.

So now, Lori is working on finding a new supplier of crystal meth while she looks to steal more money from her victims and their families.  The police could have asked Steven Frey about the last batch of meth she procured and used since 2007, instead they were more concerned with framing him (Cat. City P.D. Officer Sheldon Sherman at an A/A meeting) than finding out about the worst drug dealer and domestic terrorist in our area.  Steven was jailed a second time after a bag of Lori's dope was somehow found in his truck after being released from prison.  Officer Sherman knew just where to look.  I'll just bet the baggie was marked with Lori's usual red or blue price tag on the typical.  Don't catch the rapist if she is raping homosexuals, just arrest the witnesses and keep the crooked cops safe.  So typical Palm Springs!