Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Lesson To Be Learned: Never Make A Deal With Jeffrey Katzenberg! Never Make A Deal With Jonathan Mendenhall!

Couldn't see this one coming could you?  I could.  I practically tried to call Meg Whittman myself to warn her about getting into bed with someone like Jeffrey Katzenberg.   Any man that would let his own son's rapist walk free after all the horrendous things that she's done to hundreds of people, to start his own streaming billion dollar company, is not a man that can be trusted or liked.  I've seen dirty assed business men before, this one here is the dirtiest and the least respectable.  He's so privileged even rich people don't bother to talk to him any longer.  Best friends with Harvey Weinstein, should have been a warning to all of us. When it comes to rape and sexual problems, Jeffrey is a friend to the rapist.

I've seen it time and again,  Jeffrey just loves to burn his friends and enemies.  Remember DreamWorks?  His partners and he built a beautiful animation studio just for Jeffrey.  He closed that studio and left his longtime partners because his feelings got hurt...took a huge payout, like he said he would never do, then tried a new start-up with with any of the billionaires that were left that could still stand him.  Now that studio is in trouble for stealing tech to run their streaming service.  Am I surprised?  No, he did all of this while renegging on a deal he also made with Anthony, Jonathan, and Christopher for my life.

I don't know who gave my three friends a contract that said they owned my life and could make choices for me that were both illegal, immoral, and intended to hurt me, but they took it upon themselves so that they could live their own lives.  Now, 10 years after the "deal with the devil" it has come to my attention that Jeffrey's plan is to demonize me to my own family so that he can explain why he stole thousands of dollars from my 77 year old mother and sister.  If you are thinking that there is no excuse for this kind of behavior, you are right, there isn't.  He's a cold hearted manipulator that thinks that everyone will just bow down to the Great and Powerful Oz.  Well, I've seen that movie too...Oz was nothing more than a snake oil salesman that blew away in tornado to a place where nobody knew him and he could manipulate everyone around.  I'm not a fucking munchkin and he is no fucking wizard.  A thief is a thief.  They steal and they lie.  I am now going to be in contact with the lawyers that represent the company that Jeffrey and Meg ripped off.

So Jeffrey, after he sent his employees, wife, and kid to Sedona, Arizona to stalk me, decided that he would take that experience and use it as a murder for hire scheme to take my life.  He saw what Lori and her friends (his employees) could do and he decided to isolate me from my friends while he used Lori to try to have me killed.  Ask her, she'll tell everyone that she was "working for Jeffrey".  He even bought a home for Missy, Bessie, and David to live in close enough to my sister to hurt her and close enough to me to steal, rob, and do whatever else he could think of.

So Jeffrey's "deal" with Jonathan wasn't anything more than a murder for hire.

One year turned into ten years...and Jonathan's parents even said he was dead.  This way nobody could put him on a witness stand to tell anyone that Lori had stalked me to Arizona to kill me.  It's a murder for hire.  Plain and simple.

The worst part of it?  I was already in a position to show that Lori tried to kill me and Missy stole my MRI's from the hospital then moved in with Jeffrey.  That's an attempted murder after the murder of my brother in law.  Jeffrey has involved himself in a murder and an attempted murder while covering for the likes of MIssy Erickson and Bessie Smith.  Now they think they have their hooks into my family because of the theft of this money...but that is only making Jeffrey more and more guilty of fraud and conspiring to commit a homicide...and cover up.  This guy will do anything to get further ahead of everyone life has meant nothing and continues to mean less every day.  I can't even get my stupid boyfriend to open his fucking eyes...he's just so grateful to the Mendenhall's for the cover up.

What kind of parents let their own son play dead when a serial killer is out there trying to kill one of his friends?  What Jonathan wants you to believe is that Lori is so dangerous that he has to stay in hiding, but not so dangerous that she can't live near my family that she has already one kill and several attempts on.  What Jonathan did with Jeffrey is bargain for my life.  What it is, is a murder for hire.   If you don't believe me then where are Anthony, Jonathan, and Christopher living?  With their families?  The problem is this, I never gave any of them permission to make these kinds of calls on my life.  They did it for money, all of them.  Every last one of them.

All of this is fine with me.  I've never needed anyone else in my life but me.  I have enough statutory evidence to put Lori away for a long time.  What I didn't need what this abuse of my elderly mother and my sister whose husband was shot and killed because of Lori.  

In other words all this covering up is for a murder.  A murder that Lori doesn't want anyone else to find out about so she sent in Bessie, Missy, and David to try to make her appear to be "friendly" by returning stolen items from our home.  Only problem is that my own family knows they were stolen and Lori doesn't look like she's innocent.  Two emails are very explicit from Lori.  She want to pressure me into saying that I lied on a witness stand for another criminal case she dreamed up when I was 10. I would never do that.  Jeffrey wants me to, Jonathan wants me to, but I won't lie about my father or my brother in law.  I would never treat my family the way Jonathan treats his.  My family isn't an excuse, they are people that I love more than Jonathan.  More than Christopher.  More than Anthony.

What Sedona was, was a setup for a murder.  That's what it was.  Orchestrated by Lori but supported by Barbara, Jeffrey, Marilyn, Benjamin and everyone else that knew Lori was there and had a weapon to kill me.  Then, when the murder didn't happen, they all conspired together to keep Christopher away from me by supplying him with his family, his dog and whatever friends Jeffrey could find for him.

I want you all to know the truth.  I've never asked Jeffrey or Marilyn Katzenberg for one single solitary thing.  Quite the opposite.  I knew what Lori did to their son, I told them so, found their own evidence for them, and they fucked me.  Instead of gratitude, I got robbed.  Jeffrey put my sister in a frame of mind to take money that wasn't hers under extremely false circumstances.  She doesn't know that when Lori went to Sedona, that Jeffrey sent her help.  She doesn't know that Lori raped me when I was 19 and then again in 2007.  She doesn't know that Jeffrey hired Lori's friends.  She doesn't know that what she did was take away my ability to hire and attorney to put Lori in jail.  I have the statutes and I know where the crimes were committed.  Jeffrey helped the enemy and he still is, so are Jonathan and his family.

In between Sedona and Christopher's arrest, Jonathan made Christopher disappear too.  First by making him abide by Jeffrey's reneged promise then by telling him not to talk to me ever again.  He hasn't either.  This is all about who can put a roof over his head and his family's.  It isn't about me or my desire to help people, it's all about Christopher's need to have everything and leave nothing for me.  A completely selfish move.  All of it.  Would you sit around for ten years and watch someone torture someone you love?  I know I wouldn't.  It's all a murder for hire and Jeffrey hired Lori by not telling on her.  That's how he paid her.

Are you telling me that just because he bound my hands and feet then gagged me so I couldn't talk, that he wouldn't be just as responsible for my murder if Lori got to me.  She just said tonight that she wanted to, "Beat some more sense into my head!"  These were the exact words she used when she bludgeoned me in Steven Frey's home in 2007.  Jeffrey is refusing to tell my sister that Lori planned my father's arrest and my brother in law's murder, but he was willing to steal from my mother to keep me here, closer to Lori than I've been in decades.  Far too close.  Way too close for Jonathan, Anthony, Barbara, and Christopher to live near.  They ran.  They got away.  They don't have to live in fear.  All they do is sit around and act like they've done nothing wrong but I don't believe it.  They aren't the kind of people that deserve to be treated well...they should have done what a reasonable person would have done knowing the danger that they put me in, in Sedona.

Jonathan's own father sent me his death notice.  There is no way he didn't know that.  This cover up is huge and it involves Jonathan whole family.  The same thing goes for the Monti's.  Letters sent to my home prove that they were involved in this cover up.  It proves it!!!

Jonathan's family's idea is to leave me here with Lori until she kills me.  That would illustrate the danger that he was in, wouldn't it?  Wouldn't that justify your choices Barbara?  Wouldn't that make the Monti's feel like Christopher was just protecting them?  Fake people have no place in my life...

Seems melodramatic, that's what Jeffrey will tell you, but there's still a bullet in San Diego with my name on it from a shooting.   There is still proof that Lori broke my skull into pieces then filed a restraining order illegally.  There is still proof that Lori went to Sedona with a gun to kill me.  There is still all kinds of proof that Lori Lafond is a killer and Jeffrey still didn't do what a father would do for his son.  SO, it isn't melodramatic, it's a fact!!!  His silence about Lori is pay for her to kill me.

Every single time I've heard anything about Jeffrey dealing with Lori it is always about how he "could have done something to her so she should be more grateful"; I'm taking that as a threat.  He does the same thing with Missy and David.  He wants a kill and he's never done anything but hurt members of my family.  The biggest joke of all is when he allegedly says, "But if I don't do something for Kevin, I'm going to look like an asshole."  What a fucking joke!!!  He's had 13 years and all he's ever done' was ruin everything that I worked for.  He threatened my friends to stay away from me, don't contact Kevin.  Does that sound like the kind of person that is helping someone?  I will be very happy to return the favor to him.

I'm done with all things Lafond and Katzenberg.  I find that wealthy criminals and poor ones have one thing in common.  They are both full of shit!!!

Realizing that Jeffrey still thinks his house concubine, Bessie Smith, could still contact my sister about this stolen money, I want to assure all of you, I will prosecute everyone involved no matter who it is, sister too, if anyone tries to contact her and spin the truth again.  I will never talk to Jeffrey Katzenberg and I am never going to allow anyone to put my life in danger while I fear for theirs.  Jeffrey is a conniving thief that thinks he can buy his way out of everything.  I can't be bought.  I also can not sit by and watch while the people that I trusted become him.  I could never have done to them what they did to me in Sedona.  Never.  It was an ambush ready to happen and so many people knew about it that even Marilyn Katzenberg, honest and true Marilyn, has conspired to hurt me.  So wonderful to know that what my life means to her is dirt.  She isn't someone I'm proud of and I want people to know I realize she's been nice to them.  I'm not you.

I just want you all to see the lengths that Anthony Dabiere and Alice Mendenhall went to make it appear that Jonathan was dead...this is called selling the fraud online.  This is from Anthony's own facebook page.  Talking about the person he currently lives with like he's dead with Jonathan's own mother.

You can't believe the lengths that the Mendenhall and Monti Families have gone to hurt me personally, financially, emotionally, and physically by making deals with the Katzenberg's for my torture.  How greedy and selfish do wealthy families get?  Apparently so greedy and wealthy that they will pretend someone is dead that isn't.

It's a sad lesson that I've learned about people.  You give them an opportunity to become great and they sink to the bottom of the barrel.

I just want Jonathan to know that I've just reported him to the U.S. Marshal in San Diego and gave them his sister's phone number to call.  I also wanted him to know that he used me to the point where I could no longer tolerate his childish way of handling his problems through Lori Lafond.  Grow up and stop using everyone around you to fix your mistakes Jonathan.  Your own family reminds me of Lori's, sad and untrustworthy.

My sister, allegedly, handed over a large savings account, behind my back to Jeffrey because he said he was protecting me.  That's paid for protection from a man that knew my that money was earmarked for an attorney to look into the situation involving Bryan Anderson and Lori Lafond.  You will note that I didn't ask Jeffrey for anything, I earned the fucking money on my own. You'll recall when the case was reported and assigned to Bryan's division of the police department, he failed to get a district attorney for me like he is supposed to do for EVERYONE ELSE.  I wasn't allowed to have one until DNA was there.  Then the DNA was there and still no district attorney.  Every single time there should have been police protection Bryan did what his department always does, they farmed it out to Jeffrey Katzenberg, a private citizen, to do the work for him.

Now, without any way of protecting myself or my family that has already been through two or four different Lori Lafond situations, I have nothing.  I want nothing from Jeffrey and I want nothing from the Mendenhalls.  I don't need to be like Christopher Monti and his family.  I don't take advantage of victims of crime that way.

I did exactly what I promised Christopher's mom I would do.  Then Jonathan acted like he did something her loyalties are with the family that put a roof over her head in California instead of the person that saved her son's life.  How fitting, I do the right thing, they do the wrong thing and get rewarded for it.  It's so typical of Jonathan and Anthony to use people to death.  Ask Shawn Parrish, oh, you can't because he's dead now too.

This so called "paid for protection" was protection from Lori Lafond, but it has been anything but that.  My sister was told some kind of bullshit lie by Jeffrey and his co-workers that they never lived up to.  How could they?  They are the people that I was working against.  My sister was promised something and I want a lawyer to find out exactly what it was.  I also want someone to understand that this was expressly the treatment that I said I would not allow in my investigation with his son, Benjamin.

Jeffrey used my permission to use this system with my team, so that he could do exactly as he pleased.  For example, his wife and son, allegedly in Sedona, Arizona not only brought two of Lori's friends to help her torture me there, when they did commit a crime, it was Jeffrey that balked at the entire need for law enforcement.  He "didn't want to be involved" but he sent his wife and kid?  Does that make any sense at all?  It didn't to me, but it must have to Jonathan and Anthony who went even further and used me for ten more years.  Anthony never spoke to me again save some emails about Jonathan's death.  I've never heard from Christopher.  I want you all to know the kind of man Jeffrey is.  He's a lying piece of garbage that would do anything to hurt someone else in my family.  If he does, there won't be any way to stop me from exposing him to every single press point that I can find.  He better stop harassing me.

I did not ever give Jeffrey or Jonathan permission to make decisions about my life or this investigation that would allow either of them to break the law.  I've done nothing more than put forth the evidence as soon as it was available to me.  The decisions by the Monti's, Mendenhall's, and Katzenberg's were theirs to make of their own accord, but lying to a police informant that tried to save your fucking kid is about the lowest thing I can imagine.  It shows no class, no morality, and no friendship.  That's the kind of people that I have working for me now...people that don't care.   This too shall pass...I've already reported Jonathan and Jeffrey for their trespasses against me and I'm not done yet.

I want to remind all of you that is anti-fag.  They hate gay people and are not the kind of people that our community should support.