Lori LaFond is at it again. If she can't find something or someone she can lie to about me, then she starts making shit up. I'm sure lots of you have heard how she is planning to attack members of my family by pretending to be someone that she isn't. Using her sister in law's name or whoever the other Lori LaFond is, Lori embarks on this crazy campaign of homophobia and malignant narcissism.
Right now she is trying her best to force me to think about my friends so that she can try to cause a problem. I'm just not in a position to talk to them about it because I have no idea who knows what and I'm not about to come across as someone that is out of his mind. I'm not that guy. What I am is someone that she has harassed and assaulted for decades and I want you all to know that not all bullies change! It doesn't always get better! Sometimes the demons you face when you are a child grow up to be bigger more threatening demons. I believe in the Trevor Project, but I am not one of those people that believes that it always gets better because it hasn't.
I have been the victim of her "drugs for violence" idea since she was in junior high school. Even before all of that, Lori was supplying drugs to one of my best friends in the fifth grade. He would eventually have his life ruined by Lori too. I've heard that she was a neighbor of his. It's probably the truth.
I've always had to watch my back because she has always been there trying to hurt me with phone calls to my sister and brother in law. With stories to Bryan Anderson about me. With stories to my best friends about me. The problem is that none of them are remembering what Lori did to me back then and continued to do throughout my entire life. She isn't a good person to talk to and she isn't a reliable source of information. She is a nosy busy body that likes to cause a death or violence if possible. She even told my boyfriend to hurt me physically and all of my friend that she could find. She's hooked on violence. She's hooked on killing. She's hooked on drugs. She's hooked on hate.
What more need be said about a person like this? Find out for yourselves, she'll tell you all about my life but when it comes to playing the victim, she'll tell you the exact opposite. All I know about her came from investigating my shooting and rapes. She isn't a good person and for me. it's not a surprise. She never has been a good person. She accused my father of sex acts that she is into. She accused other fathers of the same thing. She's a bald faced liar with sexual kinks that favor homicide. She's a killer and she is the person behind the voices in so many heads of the gay community in Palm Springs. Why else would she tell everyone to hate me so much? It's because I know her and that's a problem for Lori Lafond.
The other thing I want to point out is that I don't expect my friends to lie to me for Lori LaFond. I've been dealing with this bitch so long that I know she has to be pretending to be someone in law enforcement that requires that they not tell me that she is inquiring. Let me be clear, it would be a Hell of a lot easier if they just told me that she did this. Lori has been threatening people and their families with this act for decades. I can prove that she isn't law enforcement of any kind and I can show you that she put it down in writing and filed it with the court. She isn't anybody but a drug dealer. Whatever lie she has conjured up think to yourself, has Kevin ever lied to me about anything? I'm not a liar. I am not under any investigation either. I am a police informant for Bryan Anderson and that is the truth. Not made up. Papers signed. In his department with Christopher, a real live police informant that worked only on this case for Bryan. That's the truth. No matter what Lori says. she knows it is true. She told everyone I was an informant, now she likes to deny it because I told everyone it was true. How she knew, I don't know. Bryan Anderson might.
The decision to tell the truth about this was easy. I'd rather tell everyone that I do this against Lori LaFond as "Jessica" or "Lisa" or just that bitch in your head because everyone hates her...drug dealers and cops. I decided that rather than let Lori tell my story, I would do it myself. She's fucked with me and my family for so long it was my duty to tell all of you what you can expect. She's a greedy, good for nothing, liar that has never worked a day in her life. She's been a drug dealer that calls parents or the cop since high school. I've seen her do this.
She's really big on making me look bad but the truth is that I'm someone that doesn't like being bullied. I want her to know what it is like when the bullied person stands up for himself. It's about time people stopped believing her stories, they make no sense to me anyway. What good has ever come from a story that Lori has told you about me? Think about it. Did it ever do you any good? I think it is all about Lori making herself feel better. I don't go around my friends because as soon as I do, they can expect a visit at their door from Lori carrying her bag of lies.
If you only knew what I do about her. I've carried this burden for years and I'm the one to tell you I never brought her up because I figured it was giving her too much attention. Now that I look at it, maybe attention is what she needed to have paid to her in terms of drug dealing and homophobic torture of gay men and women; and their families. She's a hideous person to know.
What I have to say, I say it on this blog. That way Lori has no idea about who is reading it off of her system. I won't talk to people in person about her because she threatens them by using police and lies. Ask the Nichols' Family, they are out a half million dollars and Lori's never met any of them. Only her cops that were implanted knew them...see the problems she causes? It's time to look deeply into Lori's past and find out the dirty little secret of "Daddy's favorite thing"; that's also not true. Her father knew she stole this system and he would never have supported her use of it in any capacity. That's the truth.
Writing this blog makes Lori think that I am talking to her. I am not talking to anyone in particular outside of my co-informant Christopher Monti. He's the other informant in this case. This was written for him to do his job and so that I could put where I am online. If you know Lori you know she uses portable phone numbers to keep people from communicating. I came up with this blog when I realized that my friends could hear what I was doing and see what I was thinking. This allows them to know that I know what is going on with me. Please understand that I have never spoken to Lori in person and I won't. No matter what. I don't want to see or to talk to her. I pose no physical threat to her because I avoid her like the plague; especially now during COVID-19 because I know how infectious she is with other diseases. I have a right to protect my loved ones. She isn't one of them.
Lastly, I hope everyone understands that Lori is always threatening to go and see my folks. First of all they are 77 years old. Second, the last thing my mom and dad need is to be exposed to Lori's bacterial staph infections or tuberculosis. These are airborne diseases and my folks don't need Lori around. Lori has this way of making everything she does about the victims' families...when the truth is that she starts all the problems herself, then villainizes them for supporting their own kid. It's lunacy.
Palm Springs got a big taste of Lori Lafond when she had the football coach, my father's student and friend. accused of having sex with the science teacher. Well, I can tell all of you, that's a fantasy that Lori has had since she was in the eighth grade. She was removed from the classroom for that very behavior. She then began calling the teacher's wife and making a fool out of herself. This isn't some teacher pedophile ring, it's a little monster with a lifetime fantasy of putting an innocent man in jail. Ask the victim in Steve Fabian's case if she knows Lori LaFond by picture and see if she was ever at LePalme? I can bet you one thing, somewhere was a card written by the teacher to the student...I don't know the evidence in that case but I know what she did to my dad. Lori forged his signature on a greeting card and wrote a sexually suggestive message on behalf of the teacher to the student. She practices his signature for a long time then gets the card.
It's a hunch, but I know Lori. Is this true Bryan? Did Coach Steve Fabian fit all the criteria that Lori uses to hurt someone? I know him. You know him. He knows your kids. He knows the Katzenbergs. A phone call from a female was the tip? A well placed greeting card with the coach's signature on it? A victim that doesn't know what to say to the police because Lori says she IS THE POLICE? What kind of police officer would set some kid up like this? Why is Lori Lafond tied to David and this girl? Like I said, I've seen her do this to my father, tried a second time, with two other families that lived near her with both sons allegedly accusing the other father of molesting him...or some girl that called in a tip? You all know that this kind of injustice takes prepping the victim right? The victims in all these cases were told to report something...or Lori did it herself. I know this is a fantasy of Lori's because I was the kid of the father Lori had accused. I was a witness to the lies. I became a legal person because of what the justice system did for my dad...it sent an innocent man free, but not without a huge price tag and price.
I know who she is. I know what she does to the kids of people she hates. I am that kid. I am now a grown man and I want to help keep her from hurting another family this way. Someone has to understand the cases are there...the innocent verdicts are there. The one thing they all have in common is Lori Lafond and adults having sex with kids. It's sick.
Hell, call the lawyer that once represented Lori Lafond on that restraining order and see if she knew anything was suspicious about Lori's requests. Everything I said Lori would do on that blog she did. She pretended to be someone she isn't. She used Deputy Fiebig another person she's microchipped. She then forced the paperwork through during a federal stay of the action. She used the exact commissioner that I said she would. He doesn't even hear civil restraining orders. Then he issued a warrant for my arrest after Lori followed me to Sedona, Arizona. She's nuts. Someone must help me.