If you read the header you know that Lori is, once again, talking about her trip to Sedona, Arizona. I want you all to know that I put the picture on top of the bottom so that you can see another picture of Sedona, Arizona to compare the rock formation and the striations. The reason Sedona is such a unique place is because of the rocks and mesas. It is a one of a kind and I bring this up simply because Lori started off saying that she was in Flagstaff, Arizona, where I have family, instead of Sedona. Flagstaff is about 41 minutes from Sedona, but the terrain is much different.
So the first element was showing where all the people in the picture were photographed. Second, the people featured in this picture are mostly people that I am very friendly with. Some are my best friends. Petitioner is used to identify Lori Lafond and is in reference to the restraining order I received just prior to my own vacation to Sedona. The red arrows point to three girls in the picture. On the far right is Robbin, then Lori, then in the turquoise top is my good friend Tracy, then Lori's friend Julie, and on the end is Margie, also a good friend of mine. I think the men are as follows. On the left is Tracy's husband. On the right is Margie's husband. I don't know either of them. Probably Robbin's husband is taking the picture. All in all, eight people total. If they took one vehicle, it would have been crowded!
Another thing. The reason this picture struck me is because Tracy is in it. One of my very closest friends from high school, Tracy lives in Maine...all the way across the country. She rarely gets to the west coast. I know this because in the days before this picture, both Robbin and Tracy came into my work and we took pictures and had a good time. My boss, at the time is also friends with them and the four of us took some goofy pics. This means that Tracy, was here the same time right before I went to Sedona. It time stamps the picture. That Lori would be in Sedona with these girls that I adore, the next day or two, is odd, especially when there was a restraining order against me from the City of La Quinta and Lori.
Remember, I also had two people with me in Sedona, Arizona, and the first day that they were there we went to the antique shops in town. I arrived the night before Jonathan and Anthony got to Sedona. Anthony wanted, for some reason, to wait for Jonathan in Phoenix. Though it was against my better judgment, and his insistence, I left him there the night before and headed to Sedona so our reservation would not be cancelled. Apparently Lori got there before us since she knew where we would be staying. At the antique store, Jonathan and Anthony went somewhere and were contacted either by Brian or Lori Lafond, or both. That would have violated her restraining order in a big way. Remember too folks, I am a police informant on a case involving Lori Lafond. I am the victim of a violent attack with injuries. Following me out of state is a major crime.
Robbin, Tracy, and Margie are all really good friends of mind from high school. Robbin is one of my closest. Tracy too. Margie and I were in AP classes together and she got me through my first speech tournament. She's super funny and nice. Margie, coincidentally, has a bed and breakfast right across the street from where Lori is allegedly living and selling drugs. None of these girls make sense to me when it comes to being "a friend of Lori's". They definitely were not friends in high school. I wouldn't have gone near them if they were. Only Julie makes sense. She's Lori's ONLY FRIEND, and she was always present when Lori would verbally ambush me in school. She's really nice but Lori makes her undesirable as a friend simply because Lori doesn't allow any friend of hers to be friendly with anyone else. So the only way I see Lori with my friends is through Julie. I would actually count Julie as a friend of mine because I like her and I think she's sweet, but because of Lori, I don't. If you ask her, she'll probably tell you that she understands exactly what I mean.
Sedona was awful. I mean the place we stayed in was awesome. It was my parent's time share. My family has been there many times. My sister has been there. I even think Bryan Anderson has been there for some reason. I knew that the second that Anthony and I separated, it was going to be a difficult time. I didn't know if it was Jonathan acting out for Lori or Brian, or if this trip was about to become Palm Springs, Arizona, but you don't drop someone off in Phoenix after driving that long. As it was, I didn't see either of them until the next night!!! They will have to tell you what happened themselves. I do think I know some of that story.
Also, I did have one project related thing to do while I was in Arizona. Dr. John Hall wanted me to take his place hosting a nationwide radio show during our trip. I had committed to it and was looking forward to hosting the show for my colleague in investigation. Dr. Hall, as you know, calls me his "right hand man" in California, and he knows that I like to help people with this crime. He is the author of "A New Breed: Satellite Terrorism in America" and "Guinea Pigs". He is also a really good friend.
The problems that occurred in Sedona for Lori, I've heard, started when Lori begged the girls to take her there and they reluctantly agreed. From what we know now, Lori had drugs in that home she rented. Someone was manufacturing GHB. There was ammunition found in that home. The home was trashed. Someone shit on the floor when they vacated the premises. The people she is in that picture with would NEVER EVER BE INVOLVED WITH ANYTHING LIKE THIS. So what I've heard is that they dropped her off thinking that they were going to be staying with Lori, but Lori made up a story as soon as they got there and avoided them when they tried to get back inside the home. I've heard that computers were stolen. Purses. Clothing. The one thing that I wanted to point out is that the picture with all of them in it above is from Margie's Facebook page. When I read the comments there was one from Marc LeDrew, the only one, it said, "Love the brown hair Lori, tell the girls I said hi". I thought, if this is Margie's page, why did he comment to Lori? I am friendly with Marc and we all know that Lori thinks of him as her "high school boyfriend", but that isn't at all the truth.
I think that Lori stole Margie's computer, then posted on Margie's FB page, the picture from Sedona, fishing for compliments for herself. Marc LeDrew, is a friend of Bryan Anderson's and mine. Lori is kind of obsessed with him still. Just like she is with Bryan and me.
So the important thing here is this. Lori was in Sedona, Arizona, for some reason at the exact time that Jonathan, Anthony, and I were supposed to all be on vacation. I'd planned it for months. This all after a restraining order was filed and after I'd been beaten, raped, assaulted, and photographed in Palm Springs. Jonathan had already told me it was Lori that had done this earlier. He doesn't know Lori from high school, he's from Michigan. When he said the name, it was the first time I'd heard anyone but Bryan Anderson say it since high school. She was my high school bully. A homophobic rumored lesbian that is closeted with some people but not everyone. She's hit on girlfriends of mine before and my sister so I kind of know more than she lets on.
Knowing the trip was going to be far away, I asked Benjamin Katzenberg, through this system if there was any way he could go to Sedona? He said he would go, but he was bringing Missy and David, with his mom. Benjamin didn't want Missy and David, but his father insisted. Better to be safe than sorry. I just want to be clear that I asked Benjamin and his mom to come if they could. Missy and David, as you know now, live with Lori Lafond and have been exposed as scam artists that have been setting the Katzenberg's up for Lori for years.
What I have been told is that Lori was telling the girls that brought her to Arizona that she was there to work for Jeffrey Katzenberg on a movie. I've also been told she was telling others that she was there for some "unfinished business" and that Anthony, Jonathan and I wouldn't be returning to California. I've been told that Lori told Rae Fernandez that she was working out of state on an investigation. I've also been told that Lori said she was making a child porn movie with Jeffrey...totally ridiculous. I've been told she was making GHB in that home. I've been told she bought a chainsaw, ropes, zip ties, and a gun with ammunition bought in the area. I've been told she was in Sedona for her wedding. I mean the lies go on and on. What I was there for was my friends and a vacation from Lori's terror in Palm Springs. Plain and simple. No stories.
Actually, I wanted Christopher there too, but the four of us in one place with Lori driving all of us crazy is a recipe for disaster. Someone would end up in jail. So I wrote a note the first night I got there that said, "I love Christopher Monti" and put it on the counter for the entire stay. It reminded me to stay focused.
Whatever went on in that rental home must have been awful. I know that Anthony and Jonathan were both there. When Anthony came back the night before we left, he was infuriated. I've not seen him that mad ever before! I know I was mad at him the day before, but we were way over it. I lent him my car to go see "a friend" and he went to Lori's rental home. He was furious when he got back, we left the next day.
Jonathan exited the trip on the third day. He and I went to Phoenix. I did the radio show for Dr. Hall. He began acting like he does when Lori is ordering him around and I wasn't having it. When we got back to Sedona, he had an outburst and I told him, in front of Anthony, "You can't stay here Jonathan. You go and stay at your father's home in Dewey (about 20 mins away)." It was safe and it was what I thought that Anthony, Jonathan, and I might do during the trip. Go and visit his dad and step mom. You do things like that on vacations, but Jonathan was acting like Lori was telling him what to do and I wasn't having it.
I wasn't mad at Jonathan after awhile but we have spoken since and aren't at all mad at each other. I haven't seen Anthony since two days after we got back and I talked to him all the time before. 9 month later, I received a death notice for Jonathan with the word "ransom" in it. I was saddened and sent his father a condolence card. I also received a packet with pictures of Jonathan, a black Jesus card, and some other stuff. Jonathan didn't send this to me...I think it was Lori and it would be in violation of that restraining order once again. I then got another letter from Christopher's mother's friend, "Dave", that was offensive and basically told me to get lost. If that was from Lori it was also in violation of that order. You can see why I needed to be protected from Lori...she's aggressive. When she got the order first, I was fine with it, because I knew she had to stay away from me, but she didn't. I didn't like the "workplace violence" aspect either...I had no idea where Lori was working and even asked if anyone knew so I could eliminate her as a suspect. Remember, Jonathan told me it was her. He had no idea she was my high school bully. I never brought up her name to him ever. None of my friends have heard me talk about her. Ever. Not even Bryan Anderson. I did, however, write about how I though Bryan and Lori were odd people to be friends. Complete opposites.