Morally Conscious

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Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Add "Running Kevin Off The Road" To The List Of Things Lori Has Been Threatening T o Do...Flying Monkey Required


In addition to planting drugs in my car, setting my home on fire, sending a threatening text message from my spoofed phone number, calling my family members and friends of ours, sending a flying monkey to hurt me physically, breaking into my home and killing my dogs (again), Lori has added something else that she once did to the list of things she thinks with get me killed.

This morning I was listening to Lori talk about the "hit and run" that she caused when I first moved back to Palm Springs.  She was posing as a man online and sent me towards Palm Desert.  While I was driving the usual group of stalkers was following me. There were a lot of people on the road that day.  I stopped at a light and a truck behind me with people that were working for Lori bumped into my car.  Now what would you do if someone was following you around and they bumped into you at a stop light.  Yes, I was in front of the truck that rammed into me.

The bump was to get my attention.  I was afraid of these people since I'd been shot at in San Diego by one of them.  Lori's brother Brian had people following me everywhere until one of them shot at me one night.  

So I waved this guy and his wife off thinking that they would be the people in trouble for hitting my car.  I was scared and didn't know what to do.  These people are very aggressive.  Literally I was afraid they were going to hurt me.

When I waved them off, they called the police and I was arrested for a "hit and run" even though they hit me.  Then I was arrested for having been under the influence for a bottle of "Poppers" in my car.  This was something that the online lure wanted, but I didn't really care for them.  I brought them with me and was arrested for a DUI.  My car was in Palm Desert and was towed back to Palm Springs on the north end?  Why?  I would later see that someone had written "guilty dude" on my bumper sticker after the bogus arrest.

I told nobody about it but Lori seems to think this was her shining moment.  I've even heard she called my attorney at the time to "let her know" what had happened.  It was, again, surreal.  So fucking screwed up.

So now I've been threatened that she will try to rob me at my work.  Have someone sitting in the parking lot waiting for me.  Shoot me with her pea shooter.  So on and so forth.

These threats to someone that hasn't been attacked by Lori might seem innocuous, but to me, a shooting victim and the victim of a brutal beating with rapist blood in my anus that was covered up by the police isn't just "joking around".  Lori is a crazed lunatic and I'm telling you all this just in case she decides to try another attempt on my life.

What would you have done in this situation?  I thought I was being smart.