This is so funny. Today I was watching a true crime story about the Scarborough rapist and the Ken and Barbie Killers...and there was this picture of Karla Homolka from prison using the same "Karen" slogan that Lori LaFond used. "Live, Laugh, Love" is the mantra which is funny because BOTH women are narcissists that Kill (Live), Rage (Laugh) and Hate (without anyone that loves them) at the time. LIve, Laugh, Love, my ass. Both women are simply placing this over their own pictures to make people think that they are someone that they aren't. It's a joke.
Lori is exactly the same kind of person. The "innocent victim" of gay men that refuse to do what she wants them to. I'm surprised that Lori hasn't claimed that these gay men she's hurt didn't all try to rape's not the case.
Fake bullshit from a girl that thinks that women can get away with anything if they cry the right tears, scream at the right police officer, and if she can con the families of her victims.
You are so sick Lori. First you stalk me to Arizona like Jodi Arias, now you are making your life look like you believe in Live, Laugh, Love. Why is it that nobody believes that slogan for you that knows you?