Morally Conscious

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Thursday, July 30, 2020

Lori, A Mother Always Knows...

What does Lori Lafond's real mother know about her HIV infection?  Does she know that Lori tested positive?  Does she know that Lori has intentionally given this to others?  Did someone in her mother's family get this disease from Lori?  Does Lori's mother know that Lori gave her brother, Brian, this disease and not the other way around?  I just want everyone to know that although Lori is strictly denying that she is HIV positive, she also isn't being honest about any of the other airborne, saliva borne, or blood borne pathogens are still inside Lori and not being treated by a medical professional.  You can't just smear peanut butter and Windex on a yeast infection and expect it to go away.

Goodness sakes.  Lori is deathly afraid that someone will draw her blood and find out that there isn't any blood in her circulatory system, just HIV, Hep C, staph, and tuberculosis.  I don't even think there is room for a white blood cell inside of Lori's body...there's too much sickness to let anything healthy inside that body.

Someone needs to know when Lori's mother recalls Lori testing positive for HIV.  I know it was before 1987 in the summer because that is when she gave it to me without having sex or using a needle.  I did neither when I was infected!!!  I thought it was a mistake, but I proceeded like it was the truth.  You can't be too careful.