Morally Conscious

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Monday, July 6, 2020

Lori Doesn't Like Me Telling You About What She Is Like; Not Doing So Cost Friends' Lives And Families; I Pick Lives Over Lori's Danger To The Public

If you look at this MRI, like others have, and wondered, "Did this guy survive?"  The answer is yes, he's typing this blog post right now to you.  When I tell you that I wasn't involved in a traffic accident or a motorcycle fall, most people can't believe it wasn't something that was "car accident" like.  I didn't even have a car when this happened and there is no report of any car accident that I am the supplier of information for because there wasn't one.

This skull fractured many times over is the result of going over to my friend's house to sleep.  I woke up and this is the way my previously fine skull was left.  Someone had broken into the home where I was sleeping and bashed my skull in.  I reported it to the police.

Later I found out that the blood that was coming from my body wasn't mine, it was put there by the same person that bashed my head into pieces.  The blood, extracted from her body had been frozen, removed from her own apartment, then taken to the scene of a rape.  If her intention was merely robbery, then why take the frozen blood.  Clearly, the blood was taken and frozen to be used in the rape in the home where she took it to.  That person is Lori Lafond.  According to the law, this is a "biological agent" taken from a natural source, Lori's own body, then purposed for the use of a terrorist attack on my body that was drugged then monitored on a stolen military system that reads EEG patterns.  It literally shows when a person is knocked out to the point where they can't move or will have any memory of the event.

As you know now with the current COVID-19 situation the coronavirus has already been named a "biological agent" even when a person sneezes, coughs, or expels upon a person.  It is an arrestable offense and is being prosecuted by the United States Attorney.  The other diseases that can be found in the blood put into my body include HIV (a strand that ends with a female chromosome), Hep C, Tuberculosis, and bacterial staph (the cause of bacteremia) that is passed on through saliva and other means.  All of these are highly infectious diseases and Lori is damn sure she has all of them...or why would she freeze the blood for use at a rape?  When I tell you that my initial infection with HIV was also from Lori in 1987, she goes around telling people that I don't tell people I had it.  If I didn't tell anyone that I had it, then how would she have ever known?  She's lying again and she knows full well that she is the source of the biological agent that has spurred the unusually high HIV numbers in Palm Springs, California.

This is a very prosecutable offense and Lori represents a huge danger to the community that she hates the most, the LGBTQ community.

I want to know what Chief Reyes has to say...and he knows better than to come at me like I'm lying...we both know that!

So you see the choice that I am faced with is tell all of you to be careful when you are near Lori because she has no regard for your life or keeps quiet and she uses me to find other people to infect.  As I understand that, it would be against the law for me to keep that a secret.  So the Chief of Police can tell me what I'm supposed to do since his office can't to anything for me.  Should I allow a serial rapist that infects people with a highly contagious set of diseases to run around hurting people or should I speak up risking that she will hurt me?  I choose public safety, who do you choose Chief Reyes?