Morally Conscious

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Thursday, July 30, 2020

I Want To Show You Why Lori Lafond Is So Pissed Off...It's Because I'm Undetectable and Immune System Strong

Hey everyone, I wanted to take a minute to dispel a rumor that Lori Lafond has been passing around again about my sobriety.  First of all what you are looking at is a direct graph from my doctor's office.  You can do this if you go to the Desert AIDS Project in Palm Springs too.  What you are looking at above is a graph which you can have drawn in their MyOchin patient portal.  What you are seeing above is something that I want to tell you HIV positive people out there.    Around the 838 mark on this graph, I made a switch in medication from Truvada and Reyetaz to the one pill regimen of Biktarvy, which is basically the two medicines combined into one.  It's actually Descovy, a Truvada pre liver drugs and another drug that has really helped my liver function.

So what you are seeing is a dramatic difference in how my body is manufacturing white blood cells.  For the record 359 or less would be an AIDS diagnosis.  

Lori has been running around telling people that I am still using drugs, and of course I am still taking my HIV meds, but that's not all.  I am going to come perfectly clean about what I take and why.

California is a legal marijuana state and I've got something to say.  I have found that the use of CBD oil can almost double or triple your white blood cell count if you are taking something like Biktarvy.  That's when you see my white blood cell count going from 838 to 1739...that's a huge improvement which you see happens for the next series of tests looking for my white blood cell count.

Lori is telling people that I am a marijuana user and I'd like to show you all why.  Remember my skull?  The one she busted into pieces, then called the hospital to steal my MRI's so I wouldn't be admitted.  You know, this picture:

I have irreversible pain in my head for the rest of my life.  It will never go away so I can't take pain killers, I'm an addict in recovery.  The only thing left was CBD oil and marijuana products.  With or without THC, these products take away all of my migraine issues and they increase my white blood cell count through the roof.  There is a reason why I use these products, it is because they work and have been working for the majority of my friends too.  Lori's mad that we can't be stopped from using something that helps us so she's been on a meth bender for months.

I use what I use because it works.   I don't care what Lori says, I have a prescription for these medications and I know what they have done for me.

I have been on HIV meds since 2004 when my sponsor gave me the information that I needed to make the decision to go on medication.   My blood is drawn every three or four months and I have access to all of my lab reports since the very beginning of my adventure.  This is how I know that the only time I got infected was after I was raped.  My STD's are always checked and so are all the vitals when it comes to my sexual health.  The HIV meds kept me safe from a new HIV infection but the rape consisted of other bacteria and viruses that were frozen in Lori's blood.  This caused a false positive for Hep c and for tuberculosis.  Sometimes it is impossible to know what Lori gives you without a full panel of bloodwork which is what I have ever three or four months.

I want you all to know that I am full frontal with my HIV.  I don't have any secrets to hide.  I want everyone to know that if you have HIV you can still live a very healthy life without fearing takes work.  You need to stay up on it.  You can't let Lori's lies about medication stop you from finding your stride.  If you are HIV positive or you don't know or even if you are thinking about having sex, it is worth it to be tested and get on the medications that prevent infections, especially when you live in a 100 mile radius of Lori Lafond.  Prevention is all of our responsibility.

Now that I've told you why Lori is so anti-marijuana, I want you all to know that there are a hundred legal dispensaries in Palm Springs, California.  If used in conjunction with traditional HIV meds, this can boost your immune system to new heights.  Consider your options but don't ever think that no medication is better than seeking the truth.  We all have a responsibility to keep each other safe.

The reason that I am posting my labs is simple.  I like fully disclosing to other victims of this crime that there are things that you MUST DO, if Lori Lafond has infected you.  Her infections come with a host of other problems that go beyond HIV.  Since Lori is an intravenous drug user she has several things inside her that can still kill you if you are simply testing for the HIV virus.  For instance, since Lori uses dirty needles she has what is called a bacterial staph infection of the blood.  Separate from HIV this is a killer if left unchecked or if she infected you with a large dose of her tainted blood.  This is what many of the locals get...a bacterial pneumonia that accompanies her HIV infections.  If it isn't looked for and treated, this bacterial blood infection causes a pneumonia that kills us.  Then there is tuberculosis and Hep C.  Both can be cured with a lot of work, but not everyone is being tested.

If you hear voices and you've heard from "Lisa", "Victoria", "Jessica", or as I call her, Lori Lafond, you need to be sure that your blood is cured of all of these things with your doctor.  The tests have to be done and you need to clear this junk bacteria out of your system.  Lori's number one killer isn't HIV, it's blood bacteria with staph in it.  It's a signature of her virus and bacteria crimes against the community.

I just want everyone to have the best chance at living since the police are reluctant to show that she has been here and done this.  "I was here", remember?  That's what Lori likes to write on the walls of her victims.  If she was there, you need to go to a lab for sensitive results involving bacterial staph in the blood, tuberculosis, Hepatitis C, and HIV infections.  It's important now that Lori has learned that a great volume of her blood does the killing faster than just waiting for the HIV to take over.

Let's try not to leave a single man behind everyone.  This is important!!!

Oh yeah, make sure you get syphilis tested for the next few months after she's attacked you too.  You will likely test positive for syphilis.  I've seen her giving that to people too.

Lori likes to scream at people all day and night and thinks it frightens them.  I like to be super open about who she is and what she has done in her past because I know her, as many victims have found out over the years.  Yes, I went to junior high and high school with her, but she was not any friend of mine.  I know her because of her actions and she wasn't any different then than she is right now.  Homophobic, hateful, violent, angry, with a huge chip on her shoulder.  I've heard she got HIV from a patient that her mom was friends with, but it could just as easily have been one of her brother's friends.  She picked out a dirty needle from the trash and used it, the rest is history....she went on to infect 650 or more gay men without anyone from law enforcement stopping her.  We need her tested and quarantined before she goes after anyone else.