Isn't it odd to most of you that while I am struggling with Lori, Jeffrey, and all of these domestic terrorists, that Christopher is off living his own life in paradise with his own family? Doesn't it seem odd to any of you that he would keep me in this position while living it up elsewhere? I think that Anthony and Jonathan have rubbed off on him a bit too much. Their "devil may care" attitude is something that I've been hurt by for a decade...but really, it's me that needs to move past them to a better situation. They've shown no proclivity for honesty or integrity, so why do I keep looking for it?
I've come to the realization that only I can keep hurting myself with the three of them. They've made their choices and they've lied to everyone they can. I think that I would be better off working with an attorney to stop them from continuing to hurt me and my family. Wouldn't that make more sense?
I think for the first few years after Sedona, I believed that the three of them could do some good but basically, all they've done is push their problems off on me and go about their merry way. I've never been a person to treat my friends so callously. I'm not that guy. I've needed to change my way of thinking about all of them because they obviously don't give a fuck about me, just themselves. They aren't going to help me until someone serves them with a warrant...and by then I'm not going to be interested in anything but a courtroom friendship with me on one side of the room and the dynamic trio on the other.
They made their intentions clear when we went to Sedona. They lied. There was nothing but lies going on the entire time and when we got back the charade got worse. My life was in danger but theirs could be saved if they just threw me to Lori for dinner.
Their choices were clear when they agreed to stop being my friends. Anyone that would do that is clearly not a friend. If someone told me not to be someone's friend I'd tell them to go fuck themselves. So to you Jeff, go fuck yourself. What kind of grown man does that? What kind of mother does that? My only support system in this whole desert and Jeffrey saw fit to get rid of them...and THEY AGREED!!!!!
I can do better and long suckers.
Jeffrey Katzenberg won't allow these people to be my friends...that's what he told them. I hope all of you out there understand what a childish and immature thing that was for him and his wife to embark upon. Listen, parents of Benjamin, if you ever get involved with another friend of mine, I will file a restraining order against the two of you. Do you understand me, Marilyn? You may choose who your son's friends are for him, but when it comes to me, you have nothing to say, understood? I am planning on talking to Bret and Reggie, Jeffrey, if I find out you spoke with either of them, you can expect that I will take legal action against you and your wife. I don't like someone telling me who I can be friendly with. I make those decisions myself. You have appointed yourself as some kind of father to me, and I'm not your kid. My father would never tell my friends things like this. You have made an enemy of me, Jeffrey, I would suggest that you stop immediately. I've never met a more girly father than this man...he's a total chick in the fuck do you approach people you don't even know and tell them not to be friendly to someone that helped your son find his rapist? What kind of bullshit is that?
Rigorous honesty, bullshit. This alcoholic is anything but honest with anyone.
Using Christian and Lori to extort me and my family is illegal Jeffrey. I've been hurt so badly now that I won't recover. This is a lifetime of problems I'm looking at now and I have Jeffrey and Marilyn to thank for it.
I've only hurt myself by hanging on to the three of's definitely time to let go of the past. After all, there are two windows in a car...
I may be the idiot that believed in friends that swore to tell the truth, but they are the assholes that lied and treated a friend to a knife in the back so many times...