Morally Conscious

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Thursday, July 23, 2020

Has Lori FORCED This Dream Into YOUR Sleep Before?

If you have been the unfortunate target of Lori Lafond's "Nightmares and Dreamscapes", then you probably know that her repetoir is limited to certain topics.  One certain dream that she uses over and over is the, "Can't stop them from coming into the house" dream.  The people that she chooses in this dream are always the most lowlife scumbags that she's known over the years.  Honestly, I think I've heard this dream in many formats about 50 or so times.  It never really changes and there are always drugs involved in it.

The scenario rarely differs.  You are staying in a home.  It might be yours or you may be housesitting for someone.  You let someone into the home and before you know it, a party breaks out that you didn't plan or organize and you simply can't keep these street urchins out of your home.  If you try they will get violent.  This dream is one that Lori loves to use over and over again.  It's similar to the dream sequencing where you are a gay man and having a sexual encounter and all of a sudden some girl is involved.  Yucky!!!

What I am interested in is how many of you out there have heard of this dream sequence that she uses in your sleep?


The scenario lately is simply about how you want Lori out of your home but you can't keep her out.  It reminds me of when Lori breaks into a home then shits all over the floor then writes, "I was here!"  Lori has this thing about being where she isn't supposed to be.  She thinks that if you tell her to stay out of your home that she automatically has the right to be there.  You wouldn't want her there though.  Once inside she will rob you blind but more important she will rub her diseased body all over your belongings.  I've heard that she likes to put ant poison in people's food or their clothing or bedding.  I've heard that she likes to rub her diseased ass all over a toothbrush.  She obviously likes to steal whatever meds she can from your medicine chest.

Really what Lori is trying to do here is see how far someone like Jeffrey will allow her to go now that she is in the area.  Will she let him enter a home and rob my family?  He better not.

Yesterday's dream involved a pool that Lori wanted to swim in.  She lives close to my friend Margie and her husband these days so she may be thinking about them.  I don't know but someone suggested that I should say something on here.  If you try to keep her out she will vandalize what she can get to.  A mailbox?  Glass bottles thrown over the wall?  She hates dogs and is very proud of how she and her brother will kill them before the break in.  I've had two so far that didn't make it.

Another thing that Lori loves to force upon me in my dreams is Christopher's absence.  Has she ever done this to any of you?  What she tells you is that Christopher isn't there but he should be and it upsets you.  Last night she did something else that she's been obsessed with before...she talked about the magistrate that I used to work for.  Lori has never heard of this person from me.  In the dream I was staying inside of a guest house and it was her home.   I had been smoking inside the guest house and she was upset with me.  Then I couldn't keep these loser people out of the home.  What I want to know is what is Lori's mind describing?  I don't dream in women...ever.  My dreams always have a gay theme.  Women aren't in my's true.  You can always tell when Lori is forcing a dream upon you because it is always something that Lori thinks about, not you.  I've never dreamed about this judge before in my's not something I even talk about unless I am talking about this case.

Lori is now talking about people she doesn't know in some kind of weird scenario where they have some kind of power over me.  I have the utmost respect for this magistrate.  One of the heroes of my life.  Lori's version is that she is divorced from her husband and is despondent.  I'm aware of who this judge is married to and have known him for a long time.  What Lori's story consists of is weird.  It makes no sense to me, but I want to be clear on this.  I respect this person, this magistrate.  She is an idol of mine in many ways.  I would never give Lori and kind of information about her and I don't really have any.  All of the intel Lori has is from this system.

I think we should all be very aware of Lori's proclivity for violence and her connections to gang stalking in San Diego.  I am not impressed at all with Lori's ideas about this family likes her, I love (as a friend) her, and I would never say this if it wasn't true.

Now Lori will start telling people that she thinks I am crazy, but if you've had one of these "directed dreams" you know exactly what I am talking about.  I am totally sane.  I don't use drugs and haven't for a very long time.  I just want the people that are on this system to understand that she is using information that she gleaned from spying on me while I worked in the courtroom.  She did the same thing with Walter Richard Bieder...a court case of child pornography possession that I've never mentioned to her before.  Lori is simply fascinated by it.  To me, just another case.  To her, something sexually exciting.

I hope everyone that knows about Lori's dream sequencing will speak up.